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Everything posted by alanohio

  1. Hummmm.... I guess I hadn't thought of that possibility. I certainly don't want to fan the flames, but that WOULD explain why she is out 24-36 hours every Friday-Saturday. Wish I could have seen that scene with her counting out money.
  2. I have to say; I'll be sad to see Danaya go. Not because of what she showed us while with RLC - but because I know there is a wonderful personality trapped inside that body that we didn't get to see much. Add to that she is a knockout in many ways, and you have the potential for a near perfect woman. I honestly hope she finds herself, or someone that can bring the best of her to the surface. I have a feeling that if she gets there, she will have a very happy life and make someone else very happy to. I also know we probably won't see her again, which is sad. I'd love to see what she has become in 6 months or a year, but she will always be on my mind because I know she can be so much more. Good life and good luck Danaya !
  3. Just throwing this out for something to think about... Does anyone think that Taboo actually might be Zoya's sister? I saw them both side by side this morning without makeup, and they looked a lot alike. If so, it would make the relationship even more interesting, but maybe Taboo dated Lev before Zoya... and although zoya might not like it, a family tie like that would make it hard to complain much. I previously thought she was Lev's sister, but I'm open to this new possibility as well. Minor sidebar; Zoya is wearing the grey shorts Taboo wore yesterday. 2nd picture; Zoya or Taboo? (I know the answer)
  4. Today's rout-in-the-hay... I came late to the party, but caught the best of it. (Attachment Purged)
  5. Although I have written a lot on this and am currently tracking her times away, I'm not accusing her of being involved in an affair. She might be spending time with a girlfriend for the purpose of getting away from Paul's controlling tendencies - which, in itself, is also bad. As you said, it appears (but we speculate that as well) they love each other. Paul certainly needs her - I'm not sure about the other way around. This might sound left-field, but this is the kind of relationship that one day, Leora simply won't come back from one of her "trips". If she ever finds an alternative that lets her be the free spirit she wants to be, there's little to hold her to Paul.
  6. As with the last two weeks I've been tracking, Leora return Saturday late afternoon. That's 3 weeks in a row gone Friday morning/afternoon to Saturday late afternoon - no bag - same clothes (24-36 hours).
  7. Only if they can't get a replacement willing to have the cameras on.
  8. None, someone just forgot to take down the Under Maintenance label, of they have the UM up because the cams are off.
  9. Remember that vacation is probably spelled out in the contract with RLC. They might get 4 weeks a year, or 2 weeks on a 6 month contract, or any other combination. The contract probably suggests "strongly" that they try and find friends to occupy the apartment to continue the entertainment for the audience while they are gone. We've seen this most recently at Nelly and Bogdan's apt when Efim and his girlfriend came in. In this case, with K&K however, I think they could not find someone willing to be in the apartment with the cams on, so one of Kristy's friends agreed to stay if the cams were off. From RLCs standpoint, it's also in all contract that audience rating is critical in determining if you stay or not, but in K&Ks case, I don't think they were worried about a two week loss of audience - none of us are going to leave them just because they are gone for 2 weeks, and even so, the audience will come back when they do.
  10. We suspect they are models and Kristy may have a job of some sort since she is gone fairly regularly during the day. they may also have family money, who knows.
  11. Today (Friday) Leora has left again for the 3rd week (that I have been tracking) without a bag. If this weekend is like the others, she will return late on Saturday.
  12. I kinda hate bringing this up, but I think Carina (Butch) tries too hard to make herself look different. Granted, she's a larger lesbian woman and prefers to play the male part - but her attempts to "cover up" her insecurities about her looks simply makes her look worse. I honestly think if she were to dress up like a female and make herself up to look as good as possible, she would be much more attractive than the path she has chosen. Be gay, and be the male in the relationship - no issue with that, but trying to look like a man because your not happy with your female looks is a mistake, in my opinion.
  13. Not that I don't believe you, but the idea has never been stated here as fact. We have been speculating this issue ever since we met Taboo, so I'd like (or hope) someone else could chime in to confirm?
  14. I don't doubt that part, I'm questioning Taboo's relationship. We have speculated she is Lev's brother because of how close they are in front of Zoya, but there doesn't seem to be enough resemblance. This morning I posted a picture of Zoya and Taboo side by side without makeup and they could easily pass as sisters. Claiming she's Lev's 1st cousin can only be known if you have some inside info or was able to translate some conversation.
  15. What makes it different is that the girl(s) willing to watch the apartment while K&K were gone are (1) not under contract and (2) didn't want the cameras on. Some of us seem to think RLC is this master dictator that tells everyone when to shit. It might just be possible they are not that strict, it might be possible they are trying out a few new girls under supervision, it might just be possible they are letting family members use the apartment for two weeks. We have to get out of this mindset that what they do is just for, and ONLY for us. There is no "agreement" we subscribed saying we were guaranteed of anything. (And don't bring up the 24/7 - if you want to sue them for false advertising feel free). Our vote is our wallet, and if we aren't willing to pay then our opinion, to RLC at least, doesn't count. Some people here have to get a grip on reality - the REAL reality. I never expected anything specific when I subscribed. I accept the fact the rooms need to go down from time to time, and I accept I will never know why. Life is too short to get pissed about everything. Each minute you gripe is one less minute in your life to enjoy. Think about that.
  16. Why? Because RLC is a business knothead. They do what they do to make a profit (and get a little on the side - don't tell me it's not true!). And why would they pay for a vacation? If anyone is on the French Riviera, it's the owners. What are you suppose to do for 2 weeks? There are 13 other, perfectly equal apartments to watch. Come on, really. You can't keep your hands busy watching Butch and Sabrina? No, they don't add the watermarks to the maintenance screen. Who wants to watch U fuck M??? $45 is a pittance. What did you expect, a night with every girl in the project? Good luck with that fathead! And that email you want to send? Will be answered the same all the other emails are answered. We apologize that your experience on RLC has not met your expectations. We will take your comments into account and hope to provide you with a more rewarding experience. thank you for watching RLC! Buck up guy!
  17. You have to be diligent to catch Taboo at anything, but tonight i got a few decent shots. She was talking to a boyfriend earlier - throwing kisses, etc.... It certainly seems to me the only logical explanation of the Lev/Taboo relationship is either sister or cousin. They are too close to be anything else, and Zoya wouldn't put up with it. Taboo is certainly a pretty girl.
  18. why, Why, WHY ??? RLC is so unfair. Once they got our money, they ignore us. Hell, they probably paid for the girl's vacations. What in the hell am I suppose to do for 2 weeks? Look at that stupid "Under Maintenance" message? Maybe they add the braille watermarks to that too so we can't even share it without getting banned. $45 down the drain. I'm going to write the most stinging email to RLC and let them know exactly what I think. I'll ruin their dinner for all the crap I'm going to hurl their way. Damn!!! /jest
  19. I think where people get hung up is this... Any apartment where there are cameras AND the tenants KNOW they are there CANNOT be real life no matter how you cut it. Sure, they go about what they do normally; eat; drink; watch tv; party; even have sex - but they DO KNOW they are being watched. If I were to agree to be a tenant, I would not expect my parents to visit and subject them to the same rules. Now, knowing that this is not really "real life" based on what I said above, we can move into what it really is... It is people agreeing to be filmed 24/7 going about their normal activities - but it does have exceptions. Let me explain. Let's assume me and my girlfriend like to get really kinky and reverse roles now and then with sex. We are contracted by RLC, we get free rent, we get food money, and maybe we get a bonus if our audience numbers increase... So we have sex in the bedroom, sometimes in the kitchen, and we try really hard to make it interesting. However, there might be times we feel "kinky", and we don't want the viewers to see us that way, so we go out to dinner, rent a room, and do our kinky stuff there. Are you starting to see the point? First, it is not scripted. It doesn't have to be. What we would perform in front of the camera is usually plenty for the audience to be happy with. Second, it's not real life because we are aware of the cameras and don't want to share our "kinky" side. Third, we have families, and this whole experience could easily backfire on us and effect friendships and family relationships. What we are watching are people willing to get naked in front of thousands to get free rent, food money, and maybe a bonus now and then. But don't think for a minute you are seeing their ENTIRE life.
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