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Everything posted by Neggbaroned44

  1. The margin of progress remains important, to reach the adult size. they do not exceed the size of teenager. Candidates have often been seen passing the theory test and then choking on the oral exam.
  2. Merci Noldus, If the plant has been recovered by her owner, I deduce that she has completed her move and I will be very happy for both of them.😊
  3. Hello Gentlemen, the most seriously I worry about not seeing the plant that was placed on the dining table. Any help !
  4. Good evening gentlemen, who could remind me of the room occupied by Serafima during her stay at B4. Thank you in advance.
  5. Angelima is back and sleeping. But, would there be no one to see the danger of a burning candle near sheets? agree to arouse views but to risk a fire. (I am another case ..., like a tall blonde I admire so much).
  6. Post-scriptum : je suis toujours aussi fan de Gina.

  7. Bonjour l'Ami, comment allez-vous ? Je vous remercie de cette notification avantageuse.Encore une fois je me fais l'avocat du diable en sontenant - avec humour- cette fille. Souvenez-vous, il y a deux ans je soutenait Gina tout autant. Serafima est mystérieuse, envoûtante et belle donc elle m'attire rien que pour sa plastique. la voir "en action" pourrait tuer tout le charme. Bien à vous.

    1. legrandrobert


      🙄Salut!  D'acord j'aime mieux imaginer Sera comme elle est maintenant moi aussi, Mais il y a d'autres belles filles,Eva, Adeline Varvara Leora etc...  Je serais bien mal pris d'en choisir une pour la fin de semaine..Ha Ha Ha  !!  😜

  8. Serafima is perfect. Do not let her go elsewhere. I sign her for life if necessary. I was insomniac and she healed me.
  9. it was an emotional weekend after the episode in the bedroom and Gina slamming the door. Maybe too much alcohol. No rancor between them I hope and life will resume its course.
  10. Thank you for that answer. My opinion is quite similar to yours. Even twins can have an argument. what will be the speed of reconciliation? wait and see...
  11. Hello Gentlemen, I apologize in advance if this topic has already been mentioned: who Lia or Mia is the eldest?
  12. Bonjour Gentlemen, Serafima hand in her pants, was it her farewell gift or a simple itch?
  13. bonjour Gentlemen, Gina, does she still live in Spain ? I'm surprised by everything she has accumulated in 5 weeks at B1
  14. C'est toujours comme cela quand on revient de séminaire. Les marques nous refilent des cadeaux en tout genre. Sauf un casque bluetooth ok, mais un sac à mains pour un homme ; pas top. (rires)
  15. During this short stay, we had a glimpse of the beautiful woman she becomes. We will see her again, I hope, but not in this narrowness unworthy of her. what a magnificent body she possesses. Goodbye Gina I miss you.
  16. un caractère de dirigeant plutôt que de suiveur, j'apprécie cela dans mon travail. Bien, c'est peut-être ce corps magnifique qui le lui impose aussi (rires).
  17. Bonjour LeGrandRobert, C'est un petit désaccord qui m'interpelle. Gina est dynamique, enthousiaste et pleine d'énergie. Ce sont les autres, parfois, souvent, trop apathiques qui laissent penser à une Gina envahissante. Je ne suis pas de mauvais foi, mais je reconnais un soupçon de partialité car Gina je l'apprécie beaucoup. Serait-elle ma favorite ? je vous laisse deviner.
  18. for my birthday present: Belle to B2 and Gina to B4. I would rather be for this permutation.
  19. Let's have a little dream. They are opening their new flat, (in barcelona ?), for themselves only.
  20. to read that you will still be there is very good news for me. It's up to you to enjoy the show now, if you want it.
  21. Goodbye and Thank you for this exceptional contribution to the understanding and the chronology of the events for the neophyte that I still remain a little. I wish you a happy new year.
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