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Posts posted by tredm

  1. 3 minutes ago, joejo said:

    People ive commente and complained about Fidel .What has it gotten us ... nothing? If the guy is retarded, or has a mental defect he cant help it people. Im guilty of it and im gonna try my best to stop commenting.

    In my opinion, the problem has never been Fidel/boyfriend.  I could care less about him.  The problem is RLC. He shouldn't have been there in the first place for more than a night.  RLC has ruined this room by allowing him to come and stay and totally disregard the opinions of at least some of it's customers.  I pretty much ignore both him and vika at this point and still look forward to 'something' between elisa and rita...?

    • Upvote 3
  2. 2 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

    Congratulations you missed my point entirely.  RLC knows who and how many are viewing each camera at any one time.  That's what is shown below in the previews.  Judging from the comments on here...many of you are constantly watching...yet complaining about this guy being there.  Criticizing his every move...etc.  My point is...you are making your own bed, just stop complaining.  RLC has no reason to change anything here.

    I'd rather look at the comments as opinions rather than complaints.  I was led to believe by many in here that RLC does 'listen' to people's opinions which, resulted (possibly) in the K&K apartment! No?

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  3. 2 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

    there is no poll, the viewership is measured in the previews at the bottom of the screen.  Look Vika is naked in the shower right now...and is #1...but her room with only him in it is #3...lol  Now on the balcony and he's #4.  They were #1 just now the whole time they ate lunch  FFS.  RLC loves you guys.   

    Good analysis but i have an open window locked on the living room since i first got on today but, i'm not 'looking' at it.  I'm in here reading all the opinions which is far more satisfying that looking at the 'living room'.  I go back every now and than just to see if elisa and rita are back yet.

  4. 2 minutes ago, albacore said:

    This apartment may be popular just because of the opportunity for girls and more girls compared to a couples apartment.  And you may be right about the comments on this and other boards have increased.  

    But no one here know what RLC thinks or their numbers worldwide.  Camcaps is not RLC.  I doubt that RLC's success is measured by the few people that consistently complain here. When you look at all of the total member on camcaps and the few posters and then even fewer complainers it makes so statistical sample possible of RLC profitability or popularity worldwide at all.  Only think that we can say for sure is that there are some here that complain consistently.

    one persons complaint is another persons opinion.  For example, i could look at what you just wrote and define it as a complaint.  I would, however, agree with your opinion that no one knows for sure what RLC thinks!  

    • Upvote 2
  5. 2 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

    my point is that these two are currently and consistently remain in the top five for viewers.  For all the complaining and analysis people are doing re this guy...RLC is not seeing any loss in viewership.  Certainly no loss in obsessive discussion on here and other boards.  As far as RLC is concerned, this guy can stay as long as he likes.

    How do they know 'who' we're viewing?  I'm tuned in to this apartment but i'm not really watching vika and boyfriend...i'm waiting for elisa and rita!  I could care less about vika and boyfriend!  In my opinion, whomever at RLC thought bringing the boyfriend for more than 1 night to this apartment was a 'good' idea should be fired immediately!

    • Upvote 1
  6. 7 hours ago, gelsgels6 said:

    I believe this apartment has become so sad, that anyone living there is going to feel lousy.  It is no wonder that some of the girls are getting sick in this place...it hasn't been a fun zone in a very long time.  Once the boyfriend showed up, the real fun ended.  It has become very tedious watching this apartment.  Vika seems to want to play, he doesn't.  Rita isn't really going to do anything for us, but she is pretty (not enough to justify her tenancy).  Elisa wants to bust loose.  I am going to check out the other apartments until I hear something is changing.  I am very close to shutting down my RLC membership.  This isn't what it used to be.

    I gave up a few days ago.  I have avoided joining RLC for quite a while now and, especially glad that i have done so based on the last 3-4 weeks.  I watch the other apartments now for free and come by here every so often just to see if vika's boyfriend left yet!  Very sad to see what has happened to this apartment.  I still think Elisa and Rita could communicate more and get a little closer but will just wait to see what happens.  Finally, i certainly agree with you...this isn't what it used to be nor, is it what it SHOULD be!

    • Upvote 4
  7. 1 hour ago, playa999uk said:

    All keep on mentioning RLC do they check this forum, do they care about what subscribers think????/

    Personally, i think they look at it but no, i don't think they care.  In my opinion, that's either a sign that financially,they're doing ok OR, they are perhaps the worst business people in the world!  As one who owns a business, i always try to resolve customer complaints quickly...not to do so would hurt my bottom line, ($)!

    • Upvote 5
  8. 4 minutes ago, thegame20 said:

    Don't think anybody hates the guy. Hate is the wrong word to use when we hardly know the guy personally or anyone on RLC. He is just a very boring person. Doesn't even seem to be in charge of the relationship. Just appears to be Vika's accessory toy. Just someone to fuck when shes horny. Their affection doesn't seem real at all but forced.  Just watch Nelly and Bogdan and the other couples on RLC then wham the these two to see what i mean. But then again i could be wrong

    Nope...i agree with you.  I'm just stopping by occasionally now and then and will continue until the bearded wonder leaves.  If it wasn't for elisa, this apartment would be DOA...she's the only one keeping it breathing a little...(and rita helps when she's there).  RLC???What were/are you thinking???

    • Upvote 2
  9. 8 minutes ago, MrBox said:

    Did you ever saw Kiko there? ... He was the husband (or BF) of Nora and it was good to see him in this apartment. .... It is not an issue to have boys there. Vika BF is simply someone that should not be a part of this kind of project, because he is boring like hell. ... Couples need to be cast as a unit and should not be introverted.

    Were is the "Real" when BF are not allowed. ... They just need a better casting. That is all. 

    well, i kind of agree with you except that there are soooo many things Not 'real' about this apartment like walking around nude all day, etc.  Allowing boyfriends to be part of this apartment doesn't make it real...it only makes it like every other apartment.  Just my opinion.  Leora's dog humping the pillow yesterday...now, that was 'real'!  lol

  10. Just now, clivebb said:

    i have the bad intuition,we will see vika/bf here for two more months

    noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!  Wouldn't they put his name (a name) on the apartment list?   Please RLC...nooooooooo.  At least in my opinion, this is NOT working!  Give up on the experiment...send him home and return this to a 'girls' apartment!  

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