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Everything posted by tredm

  1. Super...vika is cleaning the kitchen and the dishes...maybe the others can learn from her! She's #1!
  2. aida and vika.. report to the kitchen immediately and wash the dishes...clean up the kitchen...it looks like a disaster zone! Not to mention that it's unhealthy.
  3. just checking in today...based on lack of comments, etc., looks like not much happening. Looks like danaya, well...danaya is in bed?! what a shame!
  4. glad to see danaya out of bed and downstairs...talking to someone on the phone...it doesn't look 'happy' but at least she's talking to someone. Hope it's her mother and not the 'puppetmasters'!
  5. Sad to see danaya in bed all day again. When ilona left, it was adele that went and talked to her and helped her even though danaya and ilona 'ignored' adele. Now, it seems as if she alienated aida who 'was' talking to her before adele left but, my guess is that aida said...'Enough'...I'm not sure is either aida or vika wish to help danaya. Ilona and Adele are gone and did no favors for danaya but she can't see that. I can only hope danaya has enough courage to work through this, get out of bed and get on with life. Anyway, that's my take on all of this. Could be right...could be wrong...doesn't really matter if danaya decides to be the victim and do nothing. Good luck danaya! It really is up to you.
  6. That could be a new record...i think the previous one was held by danaya for putting makeup on. Anyway, things looking good in the apartment. Just wish danaya would get up and out of that bed before bedsores set in!
  7. Well...it looks like i missed a little action but, i just got caught up thanks to all of you with the 'blow by blow' action analysis...thanks. I'm looking forward to the 'new' dynamic and hope danaya decides to leave her bedroom. I understand she might be sad now that adele is gone but the best thing she can do is get up, get out of the bedroom and force herself to move...
  8. I hope so...i hope danaya stays..i think room will be better if she stays with aida/vika but, who knows. seems i've been wrong about a lot of things!
  9. I respect your opinion thestarider but having been around the world a few times myself, i see things a little differently. I saw a whole different dynamic with Irma and Anna so i'm not sure we will ever agree with Adele and Danaya. I don't think Adele and Danaya are as close as some people think but, as i've said before, that's what makes the forum so interesting. I liked Adele when she first got her and probably still would had she continued her 'designing' passion but her switch from this to party girl and her behavior with danaya and aida led me to believe she was manipulative and, i'm sorry, but i don't care for manipulative people. I do, non the less, wish her the best. I continue to like danaya and wish her the best as well. I will be sorry to see her go when her time comes. The addition of aida and, now vika, is promising. Perhaps they can bring this apartment back up what it was when i first found RLC with irma/anna/ilona.
  10. hi yury...too bad about danaya if i understand this correctly. She traded many of her followers here for adele and the 'local guys'...now, she has....adele and the local guys. The hard part of growing up is that you have to live with the decisions that you make! Danaya made her decisions and now...must live with the consequences of those decisions. thanks for all the translations...they add a new dimension to our understanding!
  11. sorry you don't like it benfold...i think the word used before was 'chill'...a little sarcasm can go a long way to lighten things up! and, by the way...it wouldn't be bad if it was only saturday night or wed. and sat. or......well, you get the point!
  12. no..i don't hate them...not really...it's just time they went home. they're just taking advantage of RLC and the customers...they've shown themselves to be...takers!
  13. yeah...but it would be funny...can you imagine the look on their face when the door wouldn't open and they're all hung over standing there with mcdonalds bags in their hands?
  14. but danaya would get angry when 'anyone' would try to get her out of bed!... no didn't see the blouse...i just got here in time to see them leave! I knew they were going out when they went to bed at 6:00!! they plan to spend as little time here as possible. RLC must be very proud of them! Pay your $45 and watch an empty apartment. At lease Aida and Vika will probably return at some point before the sun comes up? If not...that's ok too. They deserve to stay out...especially Aida...after putting up with the two absentee's!
  15. and, the absentee tenants are gone again! I hope aida and vika lock the door and put a chair brace in front of the door when they get back so the two absentee's can't get in!!!
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