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Everything posted by tredm

  1. I'm tired of both of them...i hope they both go out and don't come back until tomorrow night...then they pack and go home. The are useless to this apartment. soooo glad we have aida and vika!! at least we got to watch them eat and sleep again! we should be happy.
  2. of course...danaya has no courage.....she is adele's slave. Come danaya..yes adele...whatever you say...you're the boss!
  3. With danaya spending so much time in bed and/or clubbing, the question is: Will Anyone Notice she's gone?
  4. Hi Yury...that could be good or bad...good if they stay home...bad if they go to clubs all day and/or all night.
  5. perhaps...and that would be great...one way to find out...Go Pro? Wouldn't that be neat! Oh...by the way, i went to the 'library' yesterday!
  6. I agree with chill part alanohio but, when they sign up for this voyeur concept, this apartment, why do they do it? If their purpose is to use the apartment as 'free rent' and, do whatever they want all day and/or all night long and not be part of the 'voyeur' experiment/concept, why sign up?
  7. When i was in college, my mother would call me at 10 pm to talk sometimes and i was never at the dorm. then, she would call back at 11...then 12. I told her i was at the library. I didn't tell her the library was a bar in town! Maybe the 'zoo' is a club?
  8. perhaps...but, i'll agree with you if i actually see some 'real life' out of them instead of 'absentee roommates'...like i said, for quite a while all i've seen them do is use this apartment as a 'stopover' place, i.e., they eat, sleep, take a bath, eat some more, sleep, take a shower and...leave. Oh yeah...sometimes they 'play' around with each other for 5-10' before returning to sleep, eat, etc. sorry if this sounds so negative, but aida, and now vika, have been around more in the last few days than danaya/adele have in the last week. Just my opinion.
  9. Looks like aida and vika are going out...oh no, that means i only get to see thumbnails of danaya and adele until they get back!
  10. Even though they have now returned...i stand by my original post above. I wonder how long or if they'll be around today and/or tonight!
  11. Thanks again for the super pictures Euromike and Hope....i look forward to looking there everyday...multiple times!
  12. I see that the 'absentee roommates' are gone once again. Lets see..they go out, stay out all day or all night, come back to apartment, eat, sleep, take a bath, sleep some more and leave again. I call upon RLC to remove these two immediatelly. They are taking full advantage of you and your paying customers. I know we have two 'real tenants' in here to watch but that doesn't negate the fact that they are making RLC, and it's customers a joke. If they need/want to make whatever money they need/want to make that it causes them to be totally absentee, they should be removed from this apartment, work their jobs, and pay for their own apartment. They are both pathetic.
  13. I guess were supposed to use the 'chat' but it's so difficult to respond to each other when others are talking about other rooms. Now, if each room had a 'chat' feature, it might be ok. In short, i don't know what to do!
  14. Are we not supposed to be using these pages to communicate? The chat feature, to me, is kind of confusing as other people talk about other rooms and the whole conversation gets confusing. You almost have to always put in the name of the room to make a comment so people know what room you're talking about and your comment appears after 6-7 other comments about stuff happening in other rooms....
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