I have been wrong about Paul. HE should be hailed and praised. HE is the MAN.
Leora is a highly intelligent lady at the age of 24. So for Paul to put such a grasp on her, HE needs to be commended.
In the last conversation that I had with Leora, she told me something that explains a lot about her and Paul. HE was her first and only. That should explain her BLIND devotion to Paul.
But enough about Leora, let’s talk about Paul. Let us list all the reasons of why Paul is the MAN.
1 - When HE wants sex, all HE has to do is start rubbing on her and even when she don’t want to, she will. She likes to be caressed. She thinks this is one way HE shows affection but it is just a sexual attraction.
2 - When HE wants to eat, she will fix him whatever HE wants. This also includes baking a cake or two, which HE usually eats half the cake in one setting (with his mouth open as HE eats of course) and snacks on the rest throughout the night. She does mind that HE is going to be twice his weight within a year or two.
3 - She is educated (a doctor’s degree), but HE does not want her to work. I don’t know his reason but I’m sure based on his actions;
a) That HE is too jealous to have her work;
b) HE would not be able to know where she is at all times and who she is talking to;
c) HE is afraid she would leave him. HE is insecure with himself and knows HE can’t get better.
d) And most likely, if she is home, HE could play with her when HE wants to. HE is agitated when HE is home, awake, and she is not there. You can’t have your sex toy work away from the house now can you.
4 - She keeps a clean house. Okay, this is her thing but HE benefits from it as well.
5 - When HE leaves for a day or two, cheats on her if HE wants (she knows HE has in the past and HE blames her for the cheating because she does not understand him). HE then comes home to a welcoming and sexually ready woman. She has basically given him permission to cheat any time HE wants with no repercussions.
6 - HE locks the door when HE takes a dump but HE gets upset with her if she locks any door. HE doesn’t want her to do anything HE doesn’t know about, even in the bathroom.
7 - When she gets upset or mad with him, all HE has to do is grab a hold of her (against her will as usual), and forces to the couch or bed and lays on her to ensure she can’t leave. HE starts that caressing thing and she thinks it is a love thing when HE just wants to get laid. When she tries to leave (15 Nov) HE hides the keys so she can’t leave. The only time she did make it out of the house (10 Dec), HE waited two minutes before HE went down after her.
8 - His sexual escapades need to be commended. Now the people on here call him the 3 minute man. I have ED at times like Paul but unlike him (24 years old) I can always keep it hard for at least 10 minutes and I’m 49 years old. It is not going to get any better for him but HE has got the girl and she does not mind not to ever have an orgasm again, if she ever had one.
9 - HE can lose control and throw phones (10 Feb), smother her mouth so she can’t talk (17 Jan), or slap her (13 Dec) and she usually apologizes to him.
10 - HE does not have to show any affection or love towards her. After a sexual session, HE either goes to sleeps or gets up and goes to the desk. There is NO cuddling after sex for him. That would show HE has emotion, affection, and respect for her. This is just a sexual relationship for him anyway.
11 - Again HE does not have to show any affection or love towards her. HE does NOT hug, hold, or caress her unless HE plays with her pussy, tits, or ass. Anytime HE goes near her or passes her, HE does this. Again, this is just a sexual relationship for him anyway.
12 - She has no broken bones, no blood spilled, or no visible bruises (she wears makeup anyway), so RLC commends him as well.
In summary, HE can be the ASSHOLE of all ASSHOLES, the king of ASSHOLES, and HE still has one of the most beautiful ladies on RLC at his beck and call, his sexual toy and slave.
This should give all mankind hope. Because if HE can get the girl based on his actions, anybody can get the girl.
Again I was wrong. HE is unloving, uncaring, a total lack of nonsexual affection, a level of immaturity unseen by mankind, and absolutely abusive, but HE has the girl. So HE is the MAN.