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Posts posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. 2 minutes ago, Benfold said:

    This won't be the case. Yury has told us that Beardo lives in Ukraine. He flew in to Barcelona to stay with Lola, and now seems to have flown back. He does not live in the area, and does not own a car in Barca

    You also head translator Lola ask the guy is that all the stuff you have and the guy said no that he had more clothes in his car that he never wear. We no this guy lie out his ass. 

  2. All i can say is what the girls are doing out side the apt now is going to have a big effect on what go on in the apt now.Util they start getting girls in there that not going to participate in what going on out side the apt the apt are just going to get boring. I lot of you have said it seem like all the girls new this guy that Lola had there. There a reason why the girls felt comfortable around him it was for the kind of work he does & yes he is 100% still there. RLC told Lola he could not stay in the apt because of all the complaints

  3. 3 minutes ago, daily said:

    when you fuck you take a shower after she was not even wet hair bla bla bla

    Really do you see some of the couples take shower after sex. All i seen out of some of the couples they roll over and go to sleep. But you my be right Carolina my have just been out walking in her night clothes for the hell of it. Who no i just call it like i see it. No big deal

  4. 3 minutes ago, Houlii said:

    Question: I know it has probably come up and been talked about in the past but as hot as the girls were together last night as soon as someone goes for the lower half there is an immediate stop. There are other female couples in here who go for it, my question is are these girls just not interested or is there a rule about sex in these apartments?

    The girls Apt is just all about teasing and nothing else. We waited over 2 years before we saw 2 girls have sex and they where under the influence at that time and it will never happen again

  5. 8 minutes ago, In10se said:

    Im sure RLC doesn't have any problems finding girls willing to sign up. But you are right. Girls would be even more willing if you include a paid trip. 


    RLC pay for there visa there plane ticket and they get a large sum of money for just signing a contract. The only requirement RLC has is the girls go around in bra and underwear and that it. The girls can make extra money for showing nudity and doing sexual activities if they choose to

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