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Posts posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. Well Carolina has been up now 34 hour. She is definitely on some thing. The 3 girl and my be Anna went to another pool party and the last time they went to one they did not come home till 2:00 AM. Also you never going to see Belle do a open masturbation. She just got done playing with her pussy under the cover and it was like watching Danaya. All belle going to do is give you some nice pussy shots and that it. The rest of the weekend is going to be dead unless Polya get in the mood

  2. Well i think you can see where the girls party is going in apt 1# DOWN THE TOILET. It look like they are going to stay on the balcony all night and smoke a drink out there. They took all the alcohol bottles out there with them. All they are doing is talking away and that it. No sign what so ever this is going any where. Also i told you Carolina is going to be very boring. She has a BF.

  3. Nothing going to happen tonight or all weekend in the girls apt. It just going to be your normal typical RLC like it was before Ilona, Irma , Danaya ,Vika, Elisa or Polya show up. It going to start getting very boring. I think RLC has got some unwanted attention from the orgy and from the noise complaint and that guy being there

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