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Posts posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. This i no for a fact. When Rebecca and Megan came home Rebecca got her key stuck in the door lock.Megan had to take a pair of pliers to get it out. When Lola came home she try to use her key in the lock but it would not go in the lock. That only been about a hour or so. So i don't think they would come that quick unless who ever was coming to my be doing some thing else and that person might try to fix it

  2. That what these girls was hired to do. Make you think some thing going to happen so you keep spending your money ordering RLC. And yes i think some thing was going on with Lola being that guy in . Lola spent a lot of time whisper to Megan then the guy sat down next to Megan and whisper thing to her. Megan & Rebecca was going to do a chocolate massage then Lola show up with these guy and talk to Megan. And Lola was doing a lot of filling on Rebecca and Lola never done this

  3. You guys my not have notice this but Megan and Rebecca was melting chocolate in the microwave. It look like they was going to do another chocolate warp but Lola had to mess that up.For the next 4 or 5 hour now we can sit here & look at him. I rather have seen the chocolate warp. It might have been good that Lola was not there. BUT WE NEVER NO NOW. LIKE I SAID THESE KIND OF OPPORTUNITIES ONLY COME ONES IN A BLUE MOON WITH THESE GIRLS & SOME THING ALLWAY FUCK IT UP

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  4. 15 minutes ago, winnlove said:

    Blue. Quand la maintenance est arrivée, Polya était sur le balcon, et Belle était dans la salle bain. il n'y avait que ces 2 filles à l'appart. Alors celui qui a dit tout à l'heure que Stella et Anna étaient là, c'est faux!

    @winnlove. I just went back and read what i said and i said Anna was gone when Belle started taking a shower. I did not at any time say Anna was there when the apt went UM or Stella

  5. Benfold The reason i was so angry was our sexy Belle was taking a nice sexy shower and it probably be tomorrow before we see her take another shower and also Anna was gone so there was no telling what she might have done in the bed room after the shower. You no thing don't happen that often in the 2 apt and this could have been one of them time. We will never no. Anna is now on her period i seen her put a pad on last night so i don't think there be much playing between Anna & Belle

  6. When Polya came back down stairs after they got home with a shirt on i new some thing was up. I guess Polya got tired of waiting and took off the shirt but she keep it close buy her so this UM was plan and some one was coming. About the only time Polya wears a shirt is if she doing exercise or the apt going UM. The last time it went UM the backboard came off from behind the stove and was on the floor but it back in place now. THIS IS JUST BULL SHIT THIS UM 

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  7. 9 minutes ago, mikeusa said:

    btw who said that she was going to be gone all day I brought her home so you guy's would not complain that she is gone all day playing with mikeusa rod :biggrin:

    I hope you fed her. When Noldus brought her home this morning he stop and fed her and he said she eats like a horse. Thank you for bringing her home early. It look like you finished her off. LOL

  8. It seems that some people on here think this is there on personal chat box and they can BULLY and body on here. Well i got news it not your own personal chat box it for ever one and we are all different and we all fill different about the apt and the girls. You don't have the right to say who come on here or what they say. all you have is a ignore button so if you don't like some one use it and keep your Bully comment to your self.

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