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Posts posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. 5 minutes ago, happyone said:

    Anna and Belle home-Stella taking final shower in Barc 1 and shaving pussy.  Guess Poly did not do good enough job yesterday

    Remember Belle is on the RAG OR HER PERIODS so it going to be 3 or 4 more day before we really no how Belle going to act in her on room. Let hope so give us some good memories

  2. 1 minute ago, Frankster said:

    So since Stella is  the only one in B1 now, it might go under UM soon i guess, and since she hasn't started to pack yet, maybe they haven't told her?

    If it true that Anna is leaving soon and we no Polya is leaving they my bring in a new girl for apt 1# before Anna or Polya leave so there still will be 4 girls in apt 1# but it could be Monday when a new girls could arrive

  3. 13 minutes ago, odpegleg said:

    looks like Polya is sitting waiting on couch for the others to get back home to start the party again 

    It 4:00 there time. It will be 4 or 5 hour before they returned back to apt 1#. Then again they my not returned back to apt 1# till tomorrow. They all have gone to the beach and  housekeeping is cleaning Apt 2# for the next girl to arrive when ever that my be. So there nothing going to happen today the girls are just going to chill eat watch TV and get on there phone.RLC is back to it normal routine.Last night was just a going away party for Megan that all

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Noldus said:

    1437 the guest went out

    Hello Anna Belle Rebecca Stella and Guest has gone to the beach and there going to be doing some kind of photo shoot. Belle took her camera with her and she had it out in the apt a few min before they left. Anna and Belle will be coming back too apt 2#. Both girl left some of there thing there not sure about Stella

  5. You guys are blind.You did not no that Belle has a professional camera & she was charging the battery for the flash. Anna carried with her along with her lingerie & she also took her remote helicopter with her. There going to be doing a photo shoot but i not sure if it going to be there or some where else & i don't no who going to be working the camera. Also Belle is on the RAG & she put in a tampon & she put 2 more tampon in her purse. So guys don't get your hope up yet. They all my leave in a little bit

  6. One more thing and i out the door. Anna Belle and Caroline are waiting on that guy to put them up. The girls are all work up now. There not going back to Apt 2#. It look like megan getting her receipts up if she is then she leaving just like Rebecca did. There was a reason she been staying home. She not going to play the game no more and it look like Blue & Bonnie good luck charm is not working. Ok the sitter is here Bye Bye

  7. Well you wanted a quiet night well you got one and there a lot more of them coming. The party and orgy is in the history book now. The girls are back to normal and it going the be the same old shit from hear on out. You not going to see Megan masturbate and you are not going to see Anna and Belle have sex and i only seen Belle masturbate one time and it was under the cover and i don't think she going to masturbate again. All belle is one big tease now and so is the rest of the girls

  8. Carolina is going to be the most boring girl we ever had on RLC. She stay out on the balcony most of last night and this morning she stay out there 2 and a half hour then left now she out there again and i bet she stay out there till bed time. Also it look like it going to be her second day with out a bath. She going to be worst then Amy. It least Amy took a bath ever day. Well it least we can say thing are back to normal with the girl and Megan just like she was before the orgy boring

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