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Posts posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. 2 minutes ago, Benfold said:

    30 minutes ago you said that the girls would spend the whole night on the balcony. If there is one thing I have learned on Camcaps it is that everything you say is wrong, so I should believe the opposite.

    Bonnie you're alright, but you post these things like you know them to be 100% true. You don't know anything more than the rest of us

    @ Benfold i have a crystal ball. Lmao

  2. Anna kiss Megan and stella bye so we not going to see Anne Lola or Carolina for a good while. And yes Lola Anna and Carolina did give him money and also Lola Anna and Carolina went back and got more money and put it in there pockets. So what we saw that night with all the girl having sex look like they are going to take it out of the apt now so now all we going to get is some nudity and that it. The big show is over and there never ever going to be sex with 2 girl again in the apt

  3. Think about it. Belle can sleep in Rebecca old room and Anna and Stella can sleep in Lola bed and they can do what ever because the apt UM and it probably won't be back on line till late tomorrow evening. So you might as well give up waiting on this apt today. There going to be nothing to see but Polya and she on the rag..Good buy ever one. Enjoy the rest of you day Bye

  4. 2 minutes ago, EMMETT111 said:

    we call people like you a narc,god forbid the girls have some fun,like you think RLC had no clue what was going on they probably made more money than ever before


    @EMMETT111 And and GOD FORBID IF ONE OF THE GIRL DIE FROM A OVERDOSE. This is not what i won't to see. If they won't to do drug and if they where doing drug then do it out side the apt where we can't see

  5. I sent RLC management team a very detail email min by min what was going on when Belle had her party. So my be some one was checking for drug paraphernalia. This is what they did when Nikki was there. All they have to do is swap a area and put it in some chemicals and if it turn Blue then there where durg in there. They did not clean that bath room after the party. 

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