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Posts posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. Some one till horseshoejerry he got me on his ignore list that the guy took the blue bottle in the main rest room took a shit you could see him wipe his ass with toilet paper and he stood up to do this then he turn around for about 3 or 4 min and put some thing in the blue bottle and shook up like the other bottle he had at apt 1# then he and Rebecca they took the bottle out on the balcony then 5 min later the girl went out there about 8 to 10 min and came back in.

  2. This dumbass has on the same shorts and sock he had on yesterday. I going to go watch Rebecca. Also i am starting to think these bum is the new manage by the way it seem he no the girls and i think he trying to use his position to get in the girls pants. Also there some thing weird about these guy and Megan. She kind of been giving him a upskirt and  also kind of been giving him a flirty look

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  3. 3 minutes ago, mikeusa said:

    so bonnie are you saying they might take the party same where else

    @mikeusa Yes Well they did do a lot of makeup and spent a lot of time on the hair and they are over dress to go to a apt party they are dress like they are going clubbing. Remember Polya birthday. They did the balloons and Champagne then they went out. It only 10:00 there time and they been going out at midnight. So i guess we sit here and wonder 

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