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Posts posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. 1 minute ago, beaver67 said:

    to have guys over is no reason to go UM B & B- my opinion

    If the guys don't sign the paper agreeing to be on live camera they can put it UM. That is a law. Anna and that guy and probably all the girl are all at APT 1# and they are up to some thing they don't won't us to see. You seen how easy it was For C & M to have the apt put UM they was the last people that was in the apt where D & R is now. Remember what the translator said that guy had plans for Anna

  2. Ok i 100% positive on this. Ever girl that turn in her receipts leave for good. Rebecca & Lola was adding up her receipts last night. The girls get reimbursed for all the clothes they buy. If Rebecca take the Nike tennis and the other bag that by the mirror then she not coming back. She my be going to Europe then home. She 100% not packing like she going on a trip she packing like she leaving for good. You seen this girl take a trip and they never pack ever thing they had just to go on a trip

  3. RLC is not stupid. They no we have a translator and that guy just said that shit. The girl has plans tomorrow so why would they have a party tonight if they are going off tomorrow to a better party out said the apt and where they are guys and it all most 9:00 there time and ever body gone unless they are having the party out side the apt. Belle look like she resting for tomorrow not a party tonight. So i will say it. Nothing going to happen tonight in side the apt it all going to happen out side the apt

  4. Guy we done been over this but i say it again In the email from RLC it said ( WELCOME TO THE ALL NEW GIRLS APT ) It did not say a thing about a guy staying there. So this is why i stay with RLC. I don't give a shit about him staying in apt 2# but here the problem the guy like Anna so now he going to be in both apt hanging out & this is not what i pay for. I pay what RLC promised us & that was a all girls apt. So for the one that don't like ( DICK) email RLC & complain about him being there PLEASE

  5. These girl understand one thing MONEY TALK BULL SHIT WALK. The other night the MONEY WAS TALKING LOUD AND CLEAR.After it was all over you seen them the next day buying phone and other nice thing. Now there no more money the girl are back the way they where. When RLC offer them money again you see a show but it might not be much of a show unless they offer the big money like they did for the orgy. The girls are not stupid

  6. Well we all had fun with the girls NOW IT TIME TO COME BACK TO REALITY. From here out it going to be back to the same thing it alway been Nudity & a lot of teasing & if we get lucked we might see some one masturbate.Lola planned this & the girls got pay well for doing this.After the show the next day what did the girls do they went shopping. It will never ever happen again and you will never ever see Megan & Rebecca have sex together again & i don't think you ever see Megan use her toy again

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  7. 6 minutes ago, ericjeanjean said:

    There were fruits in it, it looked like punch to me. Not that it really matters.

    Remember when Lola and Stella and the guy went out and bought the liquor and when they left the apt 1# he took it with them to apt 2#. What was left of the liquor he put that in there and the liquor bottle was 3/4 full. Sound nasty to me what he mix up

  8. The tea he made was in 2 gallon jugs & the other party good was in the blue bottle. He was on the couch and got a text then he jump up and got dress and run out the door but he was only gone for about 5 min then when he got back that when he went to the kitchen and got the blue bottle and full it half way with water and then took it to the bath with him and then came out and went to the balcony with it. I trying to get hold of pork chop he can tell me what was in that bottle you no he is a drug user

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