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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. Thank you for the comment. We are told by the doctors Blue my get to go home soon if he does good with the surgery so if he go home we won't be back on here. I no that will make people on here happy not to here from us again. Bye euromike69
  2. daily i new you could't resist. LOL you have a wonderful day and i be back tomorrow so you come back and work out some more of that frustration. Bye ever one
  3. Had to come back to say. I have to 100% agree on ever thing i said does sound stupid. and it would be stupid for RLC to do some thing like what i said but i was just passing on the comment that has been made over the pass 10 month by BTR and yes we don't really no what he has to do with RLC but it some thing to keep in the back of your mind and it all could be bullshit on his part. We never no we just have to keep watching and see
  4. Can;t say ever thing at one time our it log me out. Here some to think about. If RLC is doing so good with the all girl apt then why don't they have more apt like that one. You see that there being in more couples. You don't see no more apt like that one and K & K apt in my opinion is set up like a couple. So by having more couples apt tell me RLC is not interested in having another all girls apt and my be RLC is getting tired of the negative talk and you going to tell me that 27,000 people only order to see the girl apt or K & K. I don't think so. There a lot of talk about L&P apt along with other couples apt so if they did away with this apt i think they would survive. RLC has survive 4 years with out the all girls apt
  5. I think RLC is playing a game with us. On day we get the motherload and the next day we get nothing. You dont no how many time in the past 10 month that BTR has said that the all girls apt might be taking of line for all the negative comment made so my be they do shit like theses to get our attention. And like you all said a 100 time we don't no what the girls do outside the apt and it the same with BTR. We don't no if he is the owner or not but he has gone private and you can;t PM and he don't come on the chat box and toolmaker123 has been promoted to form administrator. So we don't no what going on in the apt and we all no it the golden goose but remember RLC started out with only couple and had good luck with it
  6. Euromike69 Did't won't to say any thing to you because you have been bash a time or two but Blue and Bonnie do love some of the thing you say. You make a lot of sense on thing you say and i glad you got the ball to say it.We are not here to take sides we enjoy what all of you are saying. Some of you agree with other and some don't. That what make us all special. Now if you are good looking like you sound i would show you what a real women can do to you. LOL
  7. Also we talking about Irma not Rita. She in the past. I more concern what going on in the apt right now today
  8. Sorry i don't think your understanding what we are saying. Since Irma come back from the trip with Ilona i can see a change in her and after what we just saw with the shower episode i think that some change was made in the apt in the past day or so or Irma making change to her behavior. I not talking about the past 2 month just about what going on in the day or so. Yes Irma and Ilona has brought life to that apt. No question about that
  9. These girls are payed to do so much and that it. There not going to do no more if they are not going to get payed for it. If 2 girls won't to have sex there probably hotel right down from the apt they can get for 35 euros. WOW i can't believe what i just saw. Irma keep her back to the camera the whole time she was taking a shower and had the door open where we could harley see her and dry off with her back to the camera and put her warp back on before turning around. I can see some thing going on My be you can't and my be some of you guys are working and don't see what we are seeing
  10. Sorry RLC but we don't see no change. We all ready new we see a show from Irma and Ilona And Polya is just like the other 90% of the girls that come in there so it look like the same RLC. You must not be watching your on web site. I guess you to busy out spending our money to noticed what going on in the girls apt
  11. I hope i am a crazy old bat and these girls start doing some thing. It painful to see Irma cover up. Also have you noticed a difference in Irma since she got back from her trip.
  12. Ok guys what was said on RlCF is there still so much negative talk about the all girls apt that i Think there going to slow down on all the activity in that apt. Also what was said we was ask how do we like the new changes in that apt. Since there are so much negative talk about the apt RLC my be trying to show us how boring that apt can be with out the activity and my be they think we stop talking shit about the girls apt .You notice that Irma been wearing more clothes and now Ilona is wearing a top around the apt
  13. What i seen out of I &I i think there are lot closer then you think and they don't won't to show this part of there life in front of the camera
  14. Go to little baby Go to sleep little baby Mama gone away and daddy is gong to stay . from the move (Oh brother where art thou ) Irma and Ilona
  15. I don't no all the technical word or stuff but we have a 23 inch Dell with the kitchen sink with all the plumbing and we have 300 mph internet speed. The server in Amsterdam is what we feed off of and they are all way having problems with it and i done clean out on my computer and did a restart and it all the same. I live in Florida USA
  16. I no we have problems with lagging and freezing but when they fix camera 8 now it freezing up for about 20 to 30 seconds. It not like the normal shit that we see with the other camera. Camera 8 is acting different then the other camera since they fix it. It was not like this before
  17. This is a new problem with the camera is not about the night visions. Some else is going wrong with the camera after they fix it and came out of UM
  18. Dam i new i forgot some thing. I email them back and i also tell them to get more massaging oil and the chocolate cream that Irma lick off of Ilona.
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