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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. Sorry My husband in a care center and Soon be 69 years old so there nothing else to do and we don't like the couples apt only the girl apt so yes we are just sharing our misery and remembering the good time in that apt
  2. Well Polya is now on the RAG and Lola is making good use of the laundry room. Back in the old days in the girls apt when the girls went out all night it least we had Nora to look forward to be there.But now all we going to have is a empty apt. Now that Ilona is gone look how the girls act especially Polya. Very brief nudity. We are going to miss Nora and Ilona. This apt is going down hill and i don't think there not going to much hope for it after Irma and Ilona are gone for good
  3. There wearing clothes now. No tit show till I & I get back. RLC is just a joke. I bet thing will get quiet around here now. There going to be nothing to talk about and tomorrow my be even tonight Polya and Lola will be going out
  4. Now you going to get a reminder of what the all girls apt normally is Boring. All Polya and Lola going to do is EAT
  5. Irma has two suitcase one of them is small and black and the other is a large suitcase and it wine color. Irma is only packing the small suitcase
  6. Well now Polya and Ilona is putting on make up so it look like they are going out. What in the hell is going on in these apt. They got cake balloons and champagne and they are leaving That can't be and Polya drinking Red Bull
  7. Well it look like Irma is the only one dress right for the party. Polya is going to be a buzz kill and if Ilona was not on the rag then we would have one hell of a party but it look like it going to be the same as last night and i wonder if Ilona and Irma will go out again in the middle of the night. If Ilona get back on her Ipad then they my leave in the middle of the night again so don't get your hope up on this party just because they have 6 bottle of champagne. it don't mean they are going to drink all them. They had 2 bottle last night and only drank 1 bottle
  8. I not going to start a argument so i just say this. I don't think Irma is not going to be in the mood for sex but there probably going to be a lot of teasing but i don't think there going be any toys use tonight. And one more thing hope i talking out of my ass and there going to have sex all over the apt tonight LOL
  9. What we got is one sick Kitty. One bloody Kitty, One cage kitty and one kitty that look like it ready to go wild. I think that sums it up LOL
  10. Lola body is ok it that face. But i did;t get to spend much time on it and couldn't get a good look at it either. Let wait tell Lola take a shower and i let you no more
  11. I don't see Lola suitcase all i see is a big carrying bag.My be her suitcase is behind the door or she don't have one
  12. Did not not here Irma singing LOL Tomorrow is what i waiting on also remember Ilona friend that came one night and the girls stay dress. I thinking out side of the box
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