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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. Ilona on the rag. Polya being control by her BF and Irma just put in another medicine ball and also Irma and Ilona had there period one day apart so it starting to look like a sad ending for us
  2. Well if Adele show up then we all no for sure Adele and Polya will never stay in the apt so we won't see much of them
  3. If ever thing is right then what do you think the new girls going to show only being there 9 day and getting her on place. i think she not going to show NOTHING. Well what do you think
  4. I did't get up that early but as the day go on we will no. The last time it was Irma that started her first then the next day Ilona started hers. They my not start at the same time So we see
  5. odpegleg Hello I was wondering the same thing and you no Irma has her about the same time so there my not be a going away show for us
  6. beaver67 My be just Polya and the new girl and i just thought about it they never brought in 3 new girls at the same time so my be the new owner is going a head and being in one of his girls
  7. Thank you Yury. I just thought of some thing else. My be Irma & Ilona & Polya and the new girl was brought in by the old owner and Polya will be leaving With the new girl also in 9 days and the new owner are going to bring in there 3 new girls. My be this is why BTR said it was going to be a slow change. just thinking right now. Who no we just have to wait and see
  8. I just thought of some thing If only one girl is coming my be that girl was only going to replace Irma Remember Irma stay in the small room and Ilona took the big room but now that Irma and Ilona is good friends My be Ilona decided to go with Irma and not stay in the apt
  9. Benfold Thank you so much that was very caring and it bringing tears to my eyes. You just don't no what you said how much that means to me what you did Thank you again
  10. I can only do 3 line and if i do any more then it log me out. Yes i do sound like the same person but you got to remember i doing the typing for my husband and typing what he is saying but also i have thing to say to and My husband and I are like two peas in a pot and we think a like and we see the same thing. My be that why we care for each other so much. We have the computer plug in to a 60 inch TV so we can both can watch RLC. We are not here to win a popularity contest we just here to conversate and past the day bye that all. I still don't no why we are not acceptance by some member but we don't come on here and start bashing people we just come on to talk.
  11. Guys some of the thing i say on her like the Visa i do go and do the research before i come on here and say any thing. Other thing i see i use common sense and past behavior in the other girl like the way they dress or what they take with them or put in there purse before going out for the day or clubbing. Yes i do record and zoom so i can go back to make sure what i saw or hear. I my not all way right on thing and if i am wrong then i will i will own it. There was been some member last night that said nasty comments to me and i don;'t mind that but i would appreciate if you don't talk about my husband . There is a thread that was started by BTR for my husband and over 30 people left real nice comment for my husband Thank you
  12. Did any one see Irma take Polya pass port and make a copy of it and gave Polya her pass port back then Irma left and was gone about 3 or 4 hour and Irma took that copy with her and Irma took her pass port with her to. Any ideal what that could have been about. At the time i thought Irma was going to get plane ticket or ticket for a club show or a concert
  13. Benfold Would you please PM that conversation to HarleyFatboy so he can confirm that Irma did not say Blondie. From my recording she did say that name but i not good on computers so i did no how to send a video of the conversation. Thank you
  14. Benfold Hello It just seem like yesterday when Irma and Ilona came. Time go by quick when we are having fun. Don't it
  15. beaver67 Remember the phone call that Irma had when she first got there and she was talking english to a guy on the phone in her bed room. Irma said the name Blondie and she also told the guy to make sure she sign ever thing. My be these is the girl Irma was talking about.
  16. Houseshoejerry Sorry but your just talking out of your ass now. Go to RLCF and pm BTR ( Admin ) of both these site and ask him about me. He no who i am and if you got the BALLS to go pm him. I bet you won't say that shit to him about me if you do you are a dumbass and i see you on the bandwagon
  17. hotseshoejerry Hello My be you can't understand and it a shame. I am talking for my husband and me. He had 2 stroke and he is paralyzed on the right side and mostly on the left and he in a care center waiting on more stents and he got to have surgery so i am talking for the both of us and he had thing to say so i doing the typing for him and i have thing to say also. Let hope nothing ever happen to you and if some thing did like a stroke you have some like me that love you enough to do thing like this. But with your attitude i don;t think nobody would give a shit about you and take care of you
  18. Well i guess the girl don't no if you have sex it will keep you in shape and i don't think they need to go out they my get lost
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