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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. Here we go again with these models. These are Ilona girls. Remember Ilona business ad she was looking for young girls to be bathing suit model in Barcelona and to help them set up a portfolio. This is Amy & Megan so they are not going to do a lot. I think they are just starting into the business so they are going to be cautious on what they do in the apt. They put on heavy make up done there hair and put on bathing suit and high heel and now there on the balcony taking photos Just like Rita done in the apt. If you watch the old apt from the beginning we had a lot of girls just like M & A and the where very cautious on what then did in the apt. They all way stay dress in the apt
  2. 3 day and all the girls are wearing clothes in the new girls apt. Don't look like like your going to see any nudity tell shower time in this apt. Lola did show her tits some during but that was only one day now she wearing clothes
  3. Hello stranger. On the 9 of this month she has been there 2 month. She been acting like she my be leaving at that time.
  4. Well i no that the people that work on the camera do work at this time of the night so this is the only thing i can come up with Also if you noticed The last time it went UM it was around this time of the night and Irma and Ilona just walk out the door so my They could have not done what they wanted to at that time and now they are there doing what ever now
  5. Just a thought. My be Irma not sure about Ilona but i think they might was going to stay out longer but they got a call a had to come back to the apt. Why would Irma wear a bathing suit and take her beach stuff with her just to go get groceries. I think Irma was going to stay gone over night then go to the beach the next day and Ilona was not going with her she was coming back home. Also why would both girl take your phone charger just to get groceries. All this thing tell me they was not coming back no time soon. So by them coming back so soon it make you think some one was coming to the apt
  6. If RLC had nothing but all girls apt they would either be UM or they all would be gone out. RLC just can't get there shit straight
  7. Irma and Ilona is done with the viewer. They now have more priority out said the apt now then us. They did what they got payed to do inside of the apt. Now we are just left hanging tell they leave. These girls apt are just fantasy and a illusion and what you are seeing is not real. These girl are there to create a fantasy in your head so RLC can get your money. They use girls like Elise Ilona Irma Anne Danaya to help RLC to lure you in and make you think you going to see more girls like them
  8. By Kristy being in more stuff this should tell ever one that K & K not going no where. My be K & K work out a new contract
  9. Well the guys just left. He only stay about 15 to 20 min but all the stuff is still in the hall way. Kristy give him a hug when he left so my be it her stuff
  10. i don't think it Kristy stuff but if it is my god she could put clothes on two families. Kristy done brought in a buggy load a while back and it piled up in the guest room
  11. Well it look like K & K apt is now a couple apt or they have one single guy moving in. This guy brought 2 suitcases and a lot of other stuff so this is what it look like . All his stuff in the hall way
  12. Ok we all got to see what K &K look like and what there behavior was in front of the free camera so we all new who they where when they came back . They should open up free camera in the new girls apt for a few days to give ever one chance to meet the new girls then close the free camera. or make a profile page so we can see what the new girl look like and my be put some thing in there about her
  13. ZE we do like you and what you say and how up stand up for your self and what you believe in. We just have to wait and see what Blue think and see what other comment are made and Thank you very much for the comment you made that was very kind of you and you have a good night. Bonnie
  14. i guess i one of these people that on the shit list. I will talk to my husband tomorrow and see if he will delete our account. That should make people happy on here to hear this. Wish me luck. Good night ever one and sorry for being a pain in the ass
  15. Lola probably got all out of her system before the camera came on to day. She had all of last night to masturbate. Theses girl can go 3 month with out masturbating. It must be some thing in the water. LOL
  16. Amy got in the shower with her back turn from the camera the whole time. She wash the top part of her then rinse off they reach behind her and got the towel and warp it around her then she wash her legs and feet and got out
  17. Freitag13 You my not no this but there are permanent water marks now in the screen. If you are sign up and log in and you post a photo from K & K or the new apt or the other girl apt or any other apt you will be ban from RLC within 24 hour. The photo you are seeing posted now are from the free cam. The free cam don't have water marks. So this is why some of us come on here and tell what going on. We are not going to loss account over some one that won't to see photo of what we talking about. If you really won't to no what going on then get premium and then log in and post some photo and you see how fast you will loss your account
  18. My be Rlc told Irma to stop using ther toy and doing thing so we will pay attention to the new apt and like some one just said my this will help keep the paying viewer they got. This new apt is just like the other apt when it first open up and look how long it took to finally get K & K. We all no what Lola going to do. She did't even give us a good look at her pussy and she never even rub on it. I think Irma & Ilona has done what they where payed to do now they are just waiting till there time up to go home
  19. They give these girl a set of keys and a pocket full of money and tell them enjoy your vacation o and how to hide from the camera.
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