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Everything posted by candlestick

  1. Who is Chloe's visitor and what are they doing I can't see in the room
  2. Could be because of the drama from the last one..
  3. No more attention that he pays to her I don't think he realizes that she is gone. If he would put half the time in on her that he does his games and sleeping maybe she would be on holiday with him instead as some one else...
  4. How did em leave with no make-up hair products and at least one change of clothes. When we go somewhere over night my wife has one bag for all of that stuff and at least two changes of clothes and shoes...
  5. Tell them Amy3 People can live their lives however they want
  6. That just baffles me what is a manager and what does he do for his cut ?
  7. I think that it should be every ones hang up
  8. If I didn't want every one to see me potty I think I would rather have a different method of covering up
  9. This new apartment doesn't look very homie to me
  10. Yes where you are from doesn't mean that you can rape or harm women or anyone as far as that goes
  11. I hope it is not what I think that you think it is if you understand
  12. Thank you this forum is just what I need at this time in my life and I love the banter, I just don't understand the treatment of women in not just this forum but others that I have seen.
  13. If you care about someone enough to call them your girlfriend or wife why would you hurt them I will never under stand that
  14. How is that allowed in this day and time I don't understand that
  15. Women are meant to be loved admired put on a pedestal not abused fisicaly or mently. A real man knows how to treat a woman
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