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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. She was talking on the phone the other night in english and told whoever she was talking to that she was only staying till october 29th
  2. True where ever she went she is back and on the ipad, big shocker there. But I noticed they tend to use their tablets and laptops to watch movies and such rather than use the tv. The cable package must suck plus they are russian or ukranian and the programming is in spanish so it makes sense to not watch the tv much
  3. There might be some method to her madness though, if she brings someone back that bed she has now has a trundle underneath it that when pulled out makes that a full size bed. I agree carolina and Anna should have been placed together. It seems that RLC is making an attempt at putting what they feel are "the hot" pairings at B-2 in an attempt to require premium memberships to view them. So far this strategy has fallen on its ass completely. Stella has proven to be disappointing but at least she has done a couple of bate shows, which I have yet to see being a free member (much to my own sorrow lol). Chemistry is nearly impossible to quantify and can only be measured in real time once people are together. Anyone who has endeavored to try swinging can attest to this fact.
  4. Is it just me, but when did bowl cuts come back into fashion.......
  5. I also tend to believe that the chemistry in the "other" apartment is dead and gone, so thankfully there is still a little vibe in B-1 even if it is only small amount. If we are very lucky (and this seems very doubtful) but maybe Melina and Lima manage to hit it off as they seem to be closer in age, but as I said this seems doubtful time will tell its still very soon to cast judgement on Lima.
  6. It's nice to have such an eloquent response. Thank you. I think where Lola is concerned her is pretty clear but her personality and how she chooses to go about it are quite abrasive, and from what I have seen and read does not sit well with some. I agree that drugs played a major role in the parties and the activity partaken during them. But I also feel there was a lot of good chemistry that also lead to the threesome and it is for this reason that it has not happened since then. Belle strikes me as maybe having worked as an exotic dancer at some point (just a gut feeling). I also agree that Melina pushed too hard with Belle especially with the alcohol (did you catch when Melina threw a whole glass of wine on Belle?) I took that two fold to maybe set the stage to remove it (possibly with her mouth) she did later rush Belle and sucked her boob. Secondly I think she did it so she would not have to drink it. I think Lima might be there to replace Melina once she leaves since Melina is only staying 30 days. But the vibe is off and there is too big a gap in age, thus nothing in common and zero attraction.
  7. I agree belle does have her own mind. I am just making speculation for the sake of discussion. I also agree last night was a little weird and Belle seemed out of sorts for some reason. I am thinking its due to something not related to RLC. The bath thing just seemed very bizarre, and it looked like Milena had everything staged for a web show, and that does lend itself to the grooming theory, even if it failed.
  8. I propose a new rule. RLC Balcony directive 1.1: Henceforth all women staying at B-1 are only allowed to use the balcony space for smoking and only for ten minutes at a time. Any time spent on said balcony must be done in the nude regardless of weather. Any violation of said policy will result in mandatory sexual act to be determined by poll of RLC viewers which must be completed in the living room during peak viewing time.
  9. complete with food drink and book, looks like thats where she plans to spend the duration of her stay at B-1
  10. For the record I will be glad when the weather turns shitty there so they will stay their ass off the balcony
  11. thats very possible, they seem to have a small LED display so most likely you are correct, but the only thing I have seen anyone adjust is the lighting and they always do that at the wall.
  12. I have been noticing two small hand held devices on the dining room table in B-1 for some time now. I never noticed anyone using them. Does anyone know what these are for???
  13. Okay here is my input as to the current make up of tenants in B-1, I shall title this entry: Conspiracy Theory 101 Let us begin with what appears to be the widely held assumption that the girls in B-1 are in fact aspiring models, actresses, or quite possibly escorts. With this premise in mind it is quite possible that handlers/groomers are brought in to help steer the girls into the desired direction. This would account for the occasional appearance of women who are shall we say less than optimal in comparison to the other girls. The first that comes to mind was named on here as White, then Lola comes to mind, and most recently Melina and lastly Lima. These women all share one thing in common, they all have a hard look about them as if they have lived hard. In my region of the world we refer to this look as rode hard and put up wet. Now if we assume that these ladies were brought in to "groom" the other girls White was an utter failure and wasn't present long enough to even be a factor. Lola; who is still in B-2, due to her abrasive personality is quickly proving to be ineffective in this role as well. Now we have Melina, who it seems has a talent for photography, and if this summation is correct is quickly setting about grooming Belle. It has become rather obvious that Melina has a definite interest in Belle and it seems she may have been brought in for the sole purpose of grooming Belle, only time will tell how this plays out. Now we have Lima who has a very hard look about her complete with bad ink. If first impressions prove correct she was recruited as part of a work release program straight out of the gulag. (Just kidding guys). But she has definitely lived a hard life if looks are correct, and it will be interesting to see what role she takes. It already appears that there is bad blood between her and Melina. Under the subject of this posting it can be assumed that she may be in place to assume the role of handler/groomer once Melina's short stay is complete. So I humbly submit this for debate. Maybe these ladies I have listed are here for reasons other than just being cam models, and maybe their true purpose is that of handler/groomer to the girls who are more obviously suited to the cam/model profession. The other possibility is that they are there to provide diversity under the premise of providing women for every taste. Personally I don't find this to be the case as the other apartments provide that variety. So let the debate begin.......
  14. I think there might be a little unease with the new girl being there, and maybe some disappointment i think belle and milena were hoping to have the place alone for a day or two
  15. my self as well, it seems like the quiet ones end up being the better ones, those that come in going like gangbusters tend to fizzle
  16. ust my opinion but i like my women to have vaginas that look they they belong on a full grown woman, not some pre pubescent female like i said just my personal preference
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