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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. i dunno i dont follow this room much ........ especially when I saw i guess it was carina in the bath tub eating toilet paper and drinking her bath water ..... just gross
  2. i would love to see that too, but the only problem is figuring out how to levitate the girls near the cams to get the proper angle and close ups
  3. i dont know how things are in spain but where im at midnight is about when things really start rolling in the clubs
  4. well it seems that polya is going to hang around maybe she was getting the kitty clean for later ............ god i hope im right .......... lol
  5. Gee I don't think any one is whining except you, last time i checked this was a forum to discuss the goings on in the barca 1 apartment if you dont like the discussion no body is forcing you to read it
  6. okay here is one for the conspiracy theorists.....what if anna wanted every one to come and party cause she cant afford to go out for some reason.....and every one else dissed here and said no that they had plans?
  7. This could be interesting to see where everyone ends up for the night ........ or it could be a total waste of time and the girls all shack up some where off cam ....... any one want to weigh in on this?
  8. i think they got too drunk too fast ..... at least anna did anyway......when she came back in she moving a hell of a lot slower
  9. they can access any site they wish they just have to use a proxy server, plus my understanding is that barca 1 and barca 2 are fairly close together
  10. can someone explain to me why (im not sure if its carina or sabrina) but they have sex the one always appears to take a diaphragm out of the other??? Correct if im wrong here but if these two are gay (not having sex with men) why would the need birth control of any type........can someone explain this to me
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