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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. and once again polya's is on the balcony......she is with that balcony like ilona was with her phone and laptop
  2. oh sweet mary mother jesus dont go to desirees cam or you will get a view that you'll spend the rest of your life trying to unsee
  3. or they making plans ..... i'll shake my ass, you grab her tit while i bite her butt, then we all touch nipples and kiss....
  4. while the main event is taking a smoke break i was scanning the apts and i noticed for the first time desiree has some serious cankles
  5. i noticed there are a couple of good looking gals in carina and sabrinas apt, i dont know if what you said has anything to do with it or if they will even do anything but it does make one wonder
  6. I think tonight has some real good possibilities, these three seem to have good chemistry, and something tells me polya is primed and ready to get laid....
  7. well if this scenario does come to pass ..... turn into a possative ...... more staying power for the second time around
  8. I have found that one must have goals in life ..... even if they are unobtainable......lol
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