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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. there seems to be a lot of conspiracy theories floating around regarding "potential rules or RLC intervention" due to the girls behavior or lack there of. I personally do not feel RLC has said anything to anyone regarding what they do or dont do in the apartments. We have seen all levels of sexual behavior at various times in the barca apartment, and it really just boils down to who is there and what their level of comfort is. It is easy to forget that these ladies are living in a sort of fantasy bubble during their time with RLC particularly in the barca apartments as they are the most temporary. If one looks back far enough many of the others currently living in the more permanent apartments began in the barca apartment. we must all remember that once these ladies leave they have to deal with whatever fallout comes from their time with RLC. I am sure many have boyfriends or girlfriends back in the real world and must consider their feelings and input as to what they are doing on cam. I do not feel that anyone is directing or scripting anything that happens. I do feel they reserve so of the more explicit stuff for the bedroom as most anyone would. It just so happens those are premium cams. As i type this i am reminded of a conversation irma and ilona had some time ago. Basically irma was feeling a little turned on and was getting touchy feely with ilona, and ilona pointing to the camera and making a jerking off motion with her hand and a stern look on her face that shut irma down. my take from this exchange was simple the girls are very aware of the cams and what viewers are doing as they watch, and if they are going to do something they intend to limit how many see it, what their reasoning is for this we may never know. My point to this now way too long post is this, one must have patience as the ebb and flow of this apt always has and always will change, as do the girls who live there.
  2. I was a premium member of RLC for quite some time, and frankly I enjoyed it the whole time I had it. Unfortunately I was laid off and the high price of the membership made it impossible to maintain an ongoing membership. Thus my membership here. I am now forced to rely upon the kindness and at times the brass balls of others who post here. I know there are many who record stuff and if they choose not to share that is their right. Last time I checked there is no moral obligation to share or post anything. If an event happens I always for a pm (if you dont ask the answer is always no). So far I have received one or two items, and I have shared an item or two that were hard to find. What has always made this sight special in my opinion was that willingness to share, unfortunately crackdowns by RLC have fostered an atmosphere of paranoia to the point that sharing has become very rare indeed. There are ways to circumvent the RLC crackdowns but as pointed out previously this requires some time and effort. As a result I for one do not re post any gifts that are pm'd to me as a matter of trust and respect to those who were nice enough to share with me. This is not an act of hoarding but more a matter of practicality and an exercise in building trust for future sharing. If I find an item on a different service I do forward the link to those that I have built that level of trust with, and what they choose to do from that point is their choice.
  3. If anyone has this latest massage session please pm it to me, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  4. if they truly were doing coke all night the night of the party they probably havent ate anything coke kills the appetite , same thing if they were roling on "E"
  5. so far only pics I havent seen a video yet......correction there was an earlier post it was about 90 seconds and a little choppy i think its titled after party
  6. if i am following this correctly did the girls go at it again tonight at the other barca apt??? if so i missed it
  7. IF any one has video of Megan Lola and Belle using dildo or any of the fingering footage please pm those to me. Thank you
  8. if you have the big finish to the party could you pm those to me please
  9. if someone has these please include me on the list pm me these please
  10. It's funny that you bring up leaving the apartment, although I did not mention it before, I have watched numerous girls leave the Barcelona apartments for hours sometimes for days on end. So my feeling is that whether or not they leave has more to do with their financial ability to do so rather than some alleged rule by RLC. What I am very much unclear about is whether or not RLC actually pays them or if they are just given free rent for a given amount of time.
  11. As for the on going debate regarding the ladies in the apartment, and what they should or should not do and their alleged reasons for being discreet or outright shy, I shall add my two cents. It is my understanding that RLC is more or less based on a Big Brother type of concept. We get to watch the unscripted day to day goings on of these people whatever that may entail. It is also my impression that the Barcelona apartments are viewed by the ladies more as an opportunity for a somewhat free vacation in Barcelona, while the other apartments are permanent residences. I don't understand why people place such heavy expectations on these two apartments more so than any of the other apartments. As for me I enjoy the thrill of the chase and the possibility that I might be seeing something not readily available to most, plus what straight red blooded man doesn't enjoy watching a woman pleasure herself. Just my opinion (my opinion and 5 dollars will get you a cup of coffee at starbucks) lol
  12. alas i am currently only a free member, so i am unable to view this apartment and i am forced to rely on the kindness of others to see what happens here
  13. Well it seems I have missed "the event" completely. In fact I have yet to see Lola bate at all. If someone could post or email the highlights I would like to see it. I rather enjoyed watching Danaya bate, but I must admit one had to be diligent to catch a session of hers as she was quite skilled at being discreet when she did it.
  14. and all this time i thought black russian was just the name of a drink....but so far me likes her a lot.....yum yum
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