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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. I think Irma is on her monthly anyway, so if thats the case she probably wont be doing much till thats over.......
  2. I can understand saving the "good stuff" for paying members, but there has to be a good balance, and when nora was there she understood this and did her best to make sure it happened
  3. they used too, around christmas when the dream team was in the house (anna irma ilona) they spent a lot of time downstairs
  4. thats an interesting angle on that, could be right, Danaya seemed to be the one upset all the time though
  5. she was fun but I think with her drinking so much she was heading for a crash and burn......and I wonder if something happened in her personal life....wasnt she crying one night?
  6. True and I must try to remember these girls dont get to choose their roommates.....i keep forgetting that fact
  7. could be but elise would at least put on show ilona not so much in fact most of the time she cock blocked the others
  8. yeah I think Adele liked to mess with Danaya's head a little every now and then, Danaya did seem to be a bit gullable
  9. I agree, and it seems like Elise said something along those lines as well but afraid for her safety, said something about working in turkey or something like that
  10. Okay I propose a new rule thats is to be mandatory for the barca apartment............Henceforth twice weekly all residents of the aforementioned abode are hereby commanded to participate in a round of nude twister with baby oil....all those in favor say aye.
  11. When I said interact I meant just chill and watch tv or talk and have fun, It's not just with Rita either, there hasnt been much of that at all lately no matter who is there
  12. and let's all be honest for second we can all sit here and talk shit about her (myself included) but if she were to ever get a wild hair up her ass go downstairs one night lat on the couch and rub one out in a loud passionate fashion we would ALL be yanking our cranks till they came off at the roots, and we would all most likely suffer some kind medical condition
  13. Thats true, and to honest I was pleasantly surprised to see Rita joining in with the nudity, having said that though, what does not happen (at least not with any regularity) is any interaction in the living room, like I said could be any number of reasons for it but I noticed it when she was with K & K as well
  14. no I wish I did the conversation I quoted I witnessed and then I read the translation on here and I was a bit surprised by it
  15. It just seems that wherever she is everything seems to slow way down if not stop all together, and I'm not just talking about sex I'm talking about daily interaction, it seems like whenever she is around everyone retreats to their rooms, could be coincidence or any of a multitude of other reasons for that but its something I noticed
  16. Well I must admit I base part of this on a conversation she had with Danaya one night, Danaya was all butt hurt because as she put it Adele got all the good guys, and she couldn't seem to find anyone...but that was also around the time she starting to have her melt down
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