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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. i sit on the floor, remove my clothes and think of dirty things of russian girls who touch themselves whilst we all drub our dings
  2. whoa big fella!!! just asking lol....and for the record at the moment I agree, but if Irma ever goes full lez on cam me thinks we have a new queen
  3. the massage video you were talking about is pretty much it if it still exists on here, there was one other from the living room with irma massaging ilona and annas breasts
  4. yeah I watched that happen live, it was an awesome moment, there was a couple times anna got in the tub as well she was hot, theres a vid of irma bating in her bed she's up on her knees, the night that happened Ilona was awake in the other room and heard the whole thing it was a trip
  5. i remember back in the day when sites like this first popped up, users had limited control of some of the cams with pan and zoom
  6. It just occurred to me that the appt. formerly occupied by carla and mario is empty. I think Irma and Anna should take up residence in there. Of course the cam angles in there would need to be adjusted with a few more cams added but that would be a dream scenario.
  7. I think it's rather funny how strong some of the responses are on here, especially those that come with personal attacks. Why? We all have our favorite girl or girls on RLC I get that, but say anything even remotely negative and a salvo of attacks are sure to come your way. The level of emotional attachment displayed by some on here is rather scary sometimes. Personally I enjoy the show, they are all definitely pleasing to the eye and if one is diligent one might even get the hot show they have been waiting for. But they are eye candy only, they have no investment in us (they most likely don't know who we are) nor should we in them. Enjoy the show speculate on what is going on between the people on cam and except it for what it is "a show".
  8. I don't think so....a lot of door slamming right after I posted, Been following RLC for quite some time never saw anyone use it before today
  9. Does anyone know what happened??? There seems to be a lot of tension in the appt. or is it just personality clash???
  10. I've never anyone use it before, like I said I didn't even know it existed till today, as for the rest...simply my observation and opinion
  11. does anyone have Irma's bate session this morning??? I missed it and the mab.to links never work
  12. Did anyone else catch the stunt Vika pulled this morning??? It seems the kitchen is off limits if she is in there, she actually closed the door to the kitchen while she made her food. First i didn't know there was even a door there, second thats a real bitch move. Looks like she is trying to pick a fight, especially since she felt the needs to photo document all of "HER" food. Someone needs to send (shrek voice) Donkey out to pasture
  13. I just witnessed just how low and childish Vika really is......I'm not even sure if anyone else is in the appt. but Vika felt the need to close the door to the kitchen and hide while she prepared herself some food. I guess the kitchen is off limits to everyone else while she is in there. As if that wasnt enough she took the coffee pot back up to her room when she was done......this heffer needs to be kicked the hell out of there.......she has no redeeming qualities she looks like (in my best shrek voice) "donkey!"
  14. am i the only one who noticed that she never uses the tub??? she carries a bucket of water into where the toilet is to wash
  15. just wondering what her relation is to the others, she flirts a lot with lev but he's clueless, and she doesnt seem to have much to do with zoya
  16. who is the brunette that sleeps over all the time but never does anything??? shes hot as hell but boring
  17. yes i thought of that as well right after i sent the last post, we'd all be banned for sure from all vid capping lol
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