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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. more or less a lot of speculation as to what was behind it but b-2 doesnt seem to mind that she is gone
  2. ok shes back at b-1 did not appear to be her choice and going back to b-2 did not appear to be an option. Lima and milena have frozen her out milena did not speak at all and lima may have said one or two words to her. lima and milena camped out in milenas room most of the night. belle makes phone call in english and is heard saying she just wants to be with nice happy people so she doesnt feel so hurt. belle goes out comes back with white envelope and on phone says in english yes she can be there on the 10th so it looks like belle might be leaving the project
  3. of course she is back at b-1 and lima and milena have put her on persona no grata status they have maybe said two words the whole night
  4. now what if anything about an old stop motion childrens animation show would make any one want to masturbate????? check out carina and sabrina....lol
  5. im not saying ....didnt see it could have been vitamin e for all i kknow.......damn stella just busted her ass lmao
  6. like i said i thought she was getting sick at first but she stood up messed with her nose a minute and within minutes she went from about to fall over to what you see now......just sayin
  7. i thought caroline was getting sick ofr a sec the way they were looking at her, whatever was happening just off cam made her nose hurt, and there is only one thing that does that that i know of
  8. Having said that just imagine what could have happened if she had been given the opportunity to do the same for b-1.....
  9. i had a heart attack in 2011, so its all about pacing myself now slow and steady wins the race......no more crazy monkey fucking for me
  10. well this is about as much fun as watching old people fuck......wait a minute......i'm an old people.......and i've seen me fuck.......eeeewwwwww
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