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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. Ok here is what we know, milena comes on to belle and bates to her pics then something causes things to go cold between milena and belle (forgive me if my timeline is off a little here) shortly thereafter the first sex party happens and belle takes part. belle decides she likes "the party favors" and vibe at b-2 and decides to follow the party. milena is overheard saying someone is talking behind her back and she doesnt like it. belle is following the party by spending moretime at b-2 and only returning to b-1 when no one is there. second sex party commences at b-1 where we see the b-2 girls talk to lima presumably about milena, lima's reaction is open for speculation (initially i thought lima was buying into the b-2 version of things but now it appears that lima wants nothing to do with the conflict), lima seems to be invited to the party and it looks like she may go (the events that happened at this point have never been explained) but lima stays home, the sex party moves to b-2 and the bedsheet fiasco commences. belle is told to return to b-1 and gets a cold reception upon arrival and goes to room. Now here is the conjecture i propose. belle gets a little pissed off by the plate thing and fast come on by milena, she relates this to lola or one of the other b-2 girls who in turn tell lola. lola exploits this and fans the flames of what would have normally been a small incident, and tells belle she should come to their place cause the party is better there, belle buys into it and goes. at some point milena becomes aware of the back talking and gets pissed (as it turns out its lola doing all the back talking not belle), and the more time belle spends at b-2 the more they fill her head full of crap about milena and b-1, and by now the matter is blown way out of proportion and is made worse by belles obvious absence from b-1. Ultimately its a conflict orchestrated by lola not milena and not belle they were pawns in a scheme concocted by lola.....if you remember and if im not mistaken activity in b-2 prior to the rift was virtually non existant, it was only after that things heated up in b-2. any thoughts?
  2. i agree its more intimate give me sec im formulating a theory that just came to mind while we were discussing this
  3. We all know she did but im not sure belle knows, and if she does know, given her recent activities, I dont think it would have been that big of an issue
  4. i think the separation was good for milena she has softened up a lot in the last few days......three days ago no of us could have imagined milena doing body paint yet she has and she is interacting with lima a lot which is something i could not have imagined before
  5. it has been stipulated that belle was put off by milena coming on to her, the more i think about this the less I think this is the case, I saw it as it happened and she just giggled and that was that, there was look of horror or anything to indicate she was offended. And since the parties we all know she is not adverse to the idea of playing with girls. In fact i find it odd that she liked lola who is in my opinion far less attractive than milena. the more I think about this the more i'm inclined to believe that isnt so much a rift between milenda as it is belle opinion that b-1 is just boring with no "party favors"
  6. she has spent so much time and effort portraying herself in such a way im not sure she knows how, what is certain is lima and milena are going to go about their daily routine and if belle wants to be included she will have to step forward
  7. Well here is my solution to the current issues , Throw everyone out of b-2, let belle move into b-2, and bring in new girls to fill the empty beds......
  8. i just heard milena say on the phone something about on hour and you have to decide......can anyone fill in the blanks????
  9. i think belle wanted to follow the party, and presented what she felt was a good enough excuse to the b-2 girls to do so and yes she had a great time by all accounts but was allowed to overdue it. I think the b-2 trio exploited whatever issue was presented, and "rescue" was never necessary. In the end belle has to live with her decisions. i agree lola is a manipulator, stella is lola's mini-me, caroline is just fluff i see nothing of substance with her
  10. belle did sleep in lolas bed for a long time then lola kicked her out that bed is huge and if lola cares for belle the way she lets on she would not have done that.....plus leaving someone who might be coming down from god knows what and is obviously ill for nearly 20 hours unchecked is shitty, if they truly cared about her someone should have tried to get her to at least pace herself better, instead they let her go until her health was at risk....crappy treatment no matter how you slice it
  11. if anyone has had experience with the type of substances that may be at play here they can tell you that coming down is just as dangerous as being high. The term crash and burn is often used to describe this, severe depression is most definitely a part of it, this is why I was sooo irate that belle was left in a bedroom for nearly 20 hours and no one checked on her. lola went through the motions of trying to affection and at first i bought into it but not anymore. they used her and now that they have had their fun they are done with her simple as that.
  12. i could not stand adele, she completely mind fucked danaya, and the blonde girl that followed (the banana girl)
  13. I said its never been established.....and for the record I used to be belles corner by thinking its was milenas fault, that milena was being a bitch, but as time progressed it looks more and more like belle realized where the party was going to be (and possibly drugs) and made the decision to follow. I just dont see where belle is the victim and if lola did in fact place thart condition on belle ....... then it was lola who victimized belle not any one in b-1
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