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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. something tells me we wont see shit until right before lola leaves 12 days from now if then
  2. up your butt milena with a big rubber dick.....then break it of and donkey punch you with whats left of it .........and i mean that with true love and affection .....lol (that was a joke guys so dont flip out on me)
  3. anyone could have stopped this at any point, and anyone of them could put a stop to it now, why they choose not too is a mystery.....pride maybe
  4. what i said i based my opinion and agreement upon was what i read right here on the thread as it was happening and what i could gleen from the thumbs
  5. now that i have her speak english on the phone i wonder if its to the same guy that milena speaks in english too on the phone
  6. oh i never denied belle thought the party was better at b-2, just that the thing with milena ws manipulated to keep belle there til they were tired if her
  7. i did not see the bedsheet fiasco but by what i have read belle wasnt really included, she was only included when she asserted herself into the action, and even then no one bothered to make sure she was taken care but they made sure everyone else was (except stella who was on her period), i am sure i will be corrected on this but that was my take on it
  8. ok so finally its confirmed....but i still hold that lola exploited this and blew it way out of proportion
  9. this is a shame because i truly believe both belle and milena have been played for fools by lola......here is something i hadnt considered till just now.....i wonder if the b-2 girls got tired of her being there and told her to go home (although im sure if this was the case it was phrased differently)
  10. So very true as for the water bottle caroline was seen putting something in it once and appearently stella had a baggie of something that lola allegedly refered to as coke mixed with speed, that and stella kept disappearing with it, having said that no drug i know of is mixed with water as a routine way of administration especially such a large bottle (no way to control the dose) so who knows like someone said the other night it could be crystal light
  11. if thats true it can only mean one of two things, if belle cant stay at b-2 then she isnt staying at all, or two (which for some reason i find more likely) RLC has told her to go home......i noticed the girls of b-2 are conspicuously absent right now and i wonder if they are being told the same as belle
  12. I have noticed that all of the girls keep a ledger that they constantly make entries into and keep track of i wonder what those are for....
  13. IF RLC intervenes my guess would be to remove belle and all the b-2 girls for blatant drug use on cam, this is something that cause the company to be shut down for good, or worse yet lead to raids and arrests if allowed to continue
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