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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. The thought of Irma giving Vika a massage doesnt sound too good -- nasty for Irma anyway. Now giving Rita a massage sounds great.
  2. There could be better HD quality cams on the apartments -- even night vision. It's like we are in a smokey room lol.
  3. I will stay in the VRI apartment oh yea..... # May not be any show tonight, but thas ok -- i will survive lol.
  4. Rita has a while to go my friend -- she hasnt been here that long. Rita is a doll!!!!! -- Super friendly.
  5. No, i just like to see her live her life even if she doesnt masturbate. I will still love to see her in her everyday life. Sex cant be all the time. Sad tho lol, jk!!! -- # Life is variety!!
  6. At times she was very funny when she drank. Just hope some low-life fucker dont take advantage of her, because of it. -- Elisa is a sweet girl, and sexy, but she can be very vulnerable at times.
  7. I don't mind her drinking alot, but im very afraid hers is out of control. That worries me -- she such a sweet, friendly, loving girl -- that's different in todays world. Ohhh did i forget how damn beautiful and hot she is lol. I think alot of the drinking was -- because her boyfriend not visiting dewpressed her.
  8. I can see her being that way. She pretty much has herself under control. Hey if she came home drunk a few times -- that's ok as long as you know your limits, and know when to stop. She's more than i expected to be honest, and she so far has blown my mind how nice, sexy, loves music, loves to dance, smiles. What's not to like lol.
  9. Not seen Irma drink anything alcoholic at the apartment since she's been there, but i may have missed something. I heard she could really do alot of drinking at times. -- Nothing wrong with that if you know your limits.
  10. Mikey i may need a pacemaker to recharge me if last night wasn't the best lol. Irma is gonna cause me to have some sleepless nights in Nashville. She's almost everything any guy, or even girl could want.I hope it is Anna who comes back.
  11. Benfold im not sure i could handle it lol .... jk of course. Like i said i had my doubts that she might be like the rest, but helllll no -- she's beyond what anyone could want. You jus never know what she may do -- she's no fake like some. Vika will be gone soon i heard. # LOVE that girl!!!!!
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