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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. It does look like that. I knew id seen it before, but of course in that lighting , it was a little hard to tell. Ive seen girls use them before.
  2. It sure does the job well -- that was an awesome show we got to see live, and not in color, but still great.
  3. Well gotta go to bed now -- kinda wore out lol after tonight. Hope all you guys have a great night. Be back tomorrow!!!! -- Tonight was great!!!
  4. Irma i have goosebumps on my goosebumps after that -- you're the best!! We love you. # Not just sex, but you are a joy to watch live an everyday life. Such a sweet and sexy girl.
  5. Im in loveeee lol. Before the show in the bathroom she was washing it, and i was pretty sure what it was.
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