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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. Not disappointed at all Beaver. Had never seen her or even a pic of her till yesterday. She's beautiful..... Very hott girl. I like how full of life she seems.... always moving to her music, singing. Damn her boobs are as nice as my baby's Elisa's, even bigger, but not too big. She's a fit girl to do all that stretching stuff lol. Cant wait till she gets back home later. Wanna see how all of them interact today. Yea i see why she was voted most popular for sure.
  2. Anyone would.-- Vika finds the need to stand and watch someone get dressed or ready for the day. First person i ever known to do that, but then i dont usually see that many girls getting dressed lol.
  3. Well Irma's gone for awhile still. --- Knew there was a reason Vika came back to life lol. She will go back to bed once Irma gets home.
  4. I wish her her luck, and the best -- because she deserves it. I think she has her priorities in line. Beautiful, sexy, smart -- that's Rita.
  5. I doubt if Vika is feeling too secure now. Her throne has just been crushed. The queen has arrived in place of the last queen "my sweety." Elisa. I really love Irma so far. I just haven't known her like alot of you guys, since im new. Im superrrrrr impressed -- so much life and fun she seems to be.
  6. Vika seems so depressed.Well now she gets some private time --- jus her and Rita --- maybe she'll cheer up.... I kinda doubt it tho.
  7. Well i will say that Irma is a very beautiful girl, and will do her part in getting along with the girls. Hope there will friendly interactions from here on out. Good start on Rita's part so far. Elisa always got along with everyone. Have a great day girls -- im impressed with Irma big-time.
  8. Well Vika awake now. Probably awake for quite awhile, jus didnt wanna get up for some reason .....hmm wonder why?
  9. Irma leaving now, and Rita showing the "class" that she is. How you like that .... very nice interaction between them.
  10. So far i love you Irma, but still miss my baby alot!! Hope my girl Elisa is safe and sound back home!!!!
  11. Hope all the people who bashed Rita, and Vika dont come out of the woodwork like termites today. Yesterday was pitiful.No excuse!!!!
  12. You got that right StnCld. These girls are people like us. Takes time for everybody to get use to each other. Dont think anyone is jealous.
  13. Vika and Rita have become good friends, and Vika doesnt have the nerve to tell her to quit singing so loud. So she sent Rita instead. I agree she should have told Vika. I think Vika is jealous, but not Rita. I dont know and none of us do for sure. You may be right. We will see in the next few days how they act. # Exactly what i said Mike. I don't think Rita told her to turn the music down or quit singing -- that's bullshit!!!
  14. Vika and Rita have become good friends, and Vika doesnt have the nerve to tell her to quit singing so loud. So she sent Rita instead. I agree she should have told Vika. I think Vika is jealous, but not Rita. I dont know and none of us do for sure. You may be right. We will see in the next few days how they act. # Exactly what i said Mike.
  15. Rita shouldnt be jealous of ANYONE -- no reason to be. The same thing was said when Adele came, when AIDA came, it happens everytime. They are gonna be fine .... jus takes some time. Im a little shy when i first meet others soooo... it's normal.
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