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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. Soooo glad they are finally talking. I really hope they will be friends till Vika leaves. -- hope there will be nothing more tho between them lol. I have a weak stomach hahaha.
  2. I kinda wish Irma would turn her music up real loud and start dancing thru every room in the apartment. Vika needs jumper cables hooked to her lol.
  3. Yep Rita went out by herself. Very little interaction between any of them. Rita is probably meeting someone .
  4. Everything you said is exactly true Ze -- no one is more friendly than Elisa,Irma, and i think Rita is super friendly too. Would be a good combination. Never a dull moment with Elisa lol.
  5. Would have been good to see a combo of Rita, Irma, and Elisa. Too Bad the visa thing keeps them from staying longer.
  6. Hard to understand why no one is associating with each other. I know it takes awhile to get settled in and use to each other, but you have to at least talk, be around each other to do that.
  7. I hear the same talk, but dont know much about it or the new owners. I hope they dont decide to raise the monthly price.
  8. Vika dressed up somewhat while Rita was very casual. Wonder if they are going the same place -- surely they are since they left at same time. Vika really is being rude to Irma i think.
  9. Vika pretty much ignored, and not sure she spoke to Irma when she came in ..... sickening!!!!! Guess it's Rita's day to baby-sit Vika hmm?
  10. Lots of times Rita is in front of mirror getting ready, and Vika will get in front of her -- and start looking at herself in the mirror. Vika is pushy, needy, loud, and wants to be the center of attention alot. Rita tolerates it somehow jus like Elisa did. Elisa did have a good heart not to over-react and get mad at Vika. Vika may be a nice girl, but those other things overshadow it.
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