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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. I never seen Irma until two days ago. I heard how good she was, and she's even better than i thought she would be. I had my doubts, but i was very wrong. She's just a natural great, hot girl. Everything she does is random, and that's what makes her different from others. Im still kind of in shock after last night lol. A good shock tho lol.
  2. Maybe Irma has decided to stay with us instead of leaving --- i doubt it tho. Seems like she's talking to someone.
  3. Since Irma has come back i hope you haven't ditched Rita have you..... there's a line to claim her for sure.
  4. Maybe not, but i kinda like her way of doing it tho lol. It's different. She just likes to dance alot from what ive heard.
  5. Now the expert fitness director "wannabe" trying to show Rita how to do exercises. Bet Rita is going nuts having to listen to her lol. Rita is in better shape than Vika will ever be -- more than likely.
  6. Hope Irma comes home in the same mood she was last night. -- Rubbed her oil on, did her yoga and then BAMMM -- Got in bed and the show started. And it was a great show!!
  7. Vika is gonna wear Rita's ears out talking for awhile now. She's acting very "needy" today. I think she got her feelings hurt yesterday when Rita turned her down for a bubble bath.
  8. Irma must have left, but i didnt see her. Ok i did see her leave, and i hear motor-mouth Vika talking lol. Rita sure looks good.
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