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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Definitely too scary for the Democrats' presidential candidate in 2024.
  2. Maybe if you ever read a real news source you would know that it is true.
  3. Wrong. You post to indoctrinate and propagandize. Plus, you post from left wing blogs because you are incapable of forming thoughts of your own. You are nothing more than a useful puppet of the far left, totally incapable of deductive reasoning.
  4. And almost all the articles you have posted are from far left propaganda blogs primarily because you have no original thoughts of your own. You post what you want and I'll post what I want. That's how a real democracy works. But being a Russian agent I guess that concept is totally foreign to your mind, comrade Golfer.
  5. After the 2022 and 2024 elections the Democratic Party will be placed on the Endangered Species list.
  6. But what I said about BLM being opposed to vaccine mandates in NYC is a fact. So why aren't you condemning them, little snowflake hypocrite?
  7. No deflection. Just an accurate description of you that you don't want to hear.
  8. No, my girlfriend actually lives in her own home, and she is much more real than your fantasy "friends with benefits".
  9. But the tee shirt is a true statement. Much more true than Democrats saying that Trump killed over 600,000 people in the U.S.
  10. I think Democrats should try to sell this theory to voters in the 2022 and 2024 elections. Sure way to insure a red wave.
  11. Sorry, you are too dumb to find the stories. Maybe you need to read something besides your propaganda blogs.
  12. Yeah, in your utopian Marxist fantasy world BLM members burning and looting businesses is following the law.
  13. There are videos of a man named Ray Epps on Jan.5 and Jan.6, 2021 encouraging Trump supporters to invade the Capitol Building on Jan.6. So why has Ray Epps not been arrested and charged with a crime? Could it be because he is was an undercover FBI agent?
  14. You have been a puppet of the mainstream media for so long that you are now incapable of seeing facts when they are presented to you. I guess the videos of immigrants crossing our southern border as shown by Fox News are not real, right? Why will the mainstream media not show those videos?
  15. Guess what little boy, BLM in NYC is opposed to Covid vaccine mandates.
  16. If you knew anything about covid you would know that vaccinated people can spread the virus just as easily as unvaccinated people.
  17. You are so far lost in your Marxist utopian fantasy land that you lost touch with reality many years ago, comrade Golfer.
  18. And anyone else that wants to be vaccinated in Florida is free to be vaccinated too, you ignorant Stalinist authoritarian propagandist.
  19. No, I live in a real 3 bedroom, two bath home and not in a closet size apartment like you do, comrade Golfer.
  20. Canadian exports of natural gas to the U.S. have hit a three year high thanks to the energy policies of the ignorant stupid dumb son of a bitch Joe Biden who has greatly reduced natural gas production in the U.S.
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