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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Now you are just outright lying. The first Covid-19 vaccination in the U.S. took place on Dec.15, 2020.
  2. And without Trump's actions to get fast approval for the vaccines Biden would have had no vaccines to distribute.
  3. ISIS? So how did they get to the airport gate through Taliban checkpoints without the cooperation of the Taliban?
  4. The vaccines that were developed within less than a year during Trump's presidency have saved no lives??????????????????????????????
  5. Your ally China is responsible for those deaths and all the other Covid deaths around the world.
  6. He did defeat them in Iraq/Syria after Barack Obama and Joe Biden allowed them to build a caliphate there. All those groups have one thing in common. They are all Islamist terrorists.
  7. Ask the Democrats in California, they will be the ones printing the ballots since they run everything in that state.
  8. No, if I had been running the show we would have never been in Vietnam in the first place.
  9. At least I wouldn't have been so stupid as to remove U.S. troops before all American civilians and Afghan refugees had been evacuated.
  10. The problem is not that we are leaving Afghanistan. The problem is the incompetent way Joe Biden has handled the withdrawal.
  11. Spoken like a true brain dead liberal progressive. Instead of being afraid of antagonizing terrorists you tell their leadership that if we are attacked that we will target them personally just like we did that fucking Iranian general.
  12. Don't waste those lies and propaganda on me. Save them for someone who is dumb enough to believe you and the Democrats.
  13. Oh yeah, little boy. Watch what happens to the Biden poll numbers now.
  14. Withdrawal should have started in an orderly slow fashion months ago when we and the Afghan government still controlled the country. We should have never given up Bagram Air Base until all American civilians and Afghan refugees had been evacuated.
  15. This is what happens when you turn security over to the Ivy League eggheads at the U.S. State Department.
  16. No U.S. serviceman had been killed in Afghanistan since Feb. 2020 until TODAY! Thank you "Sleepy Joe", you incompetent senile piece of shit!
  17. And you would never be qualified to be a U.S. soldier because you are a coward who hates America.
  18. Why do you want to waste our time with this when you could be talking about the great job Joe Biden is doing with the Afghanistan evacuation?
  19. Ten or more dead U.S. service members at the Kabul airport!!!!! Is that reality enough for you, prick?
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