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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Only silly questions to a Marxist Russian propaganda agent like you, comrade Golfer.
  2. Wonder why O_U812 doesn't say anything about "Sleepy Joe's" poll numbers anymore?
  3. I just heard that Kamala Harris on her return from Southeast Asia will campaign for Gavin Newsom in California. Good! That should cause Newsom to lose a few hundred thousand more votes. Still probably won't be enough to offset all the illegal votes Newsom will receive from San Francisco, Los Angeles and Oakland though.
  4. With all that is going on in the world our brilliant vice president at a press conference in Singapore is telling Americans to start their Christmas shopping early this year.
  5. That's because the present U.S. Commander in Chief is a senile incompetent wimp.
  6. Here is the headline from a story from The Wrap posted on MSN today, " Fox News Scored More Live Primetime Viewers Than Any Cable or Broadcast Network Last Week".
  7. The Taliban is now dictating withdrawal deadlines for the United states of America?
  8. Eat some more kraut. Maybe it will cure your constipation problem and thus help solve your problem of being full of shit. 😉
  9. If I gave one AR-15 to a member of the Taliban I would probably spend the rest of my life in a U.S. federal prison. So what should happen to Joe Biden who just gave $85 billion worth of military equipment to the Taliban.
  10. This is laughable. That is a graph for Aug., 2020, you ignorant dumb fuck! You are undoubtedly the dumbest of Putin's propaganda agents.
  11. You are right. There is no hope that I will ever accept and embrace your Marxist ideology.
  12. Not surprising that one Marxist would be complimenting another Marxist.
  13. Biden wants to disarm law abiding American citizens while at the same time giving the Taliban $85 billion worth of military weapons.
  14. Sorry, but your propaganda and lies are not working. Too many people know the truth.
  15. You are the true racist and sexist because you look at the vice president and see only a minority female. Show me in any of my comments where I made any derogatory comments about her race or her sex.
  16. No, she is an incompetent vice president. You just proved what I said previously about Democrats making everything about race. I couldn't care less about her fucking race or sex but I am concerned about her incompetence and lack of integrity.
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