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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. More credibility than Joe Biden has right now. Even our NATO allies are saying Biden is an incompetent fool, Russian agent comrade Golfer.
  2. You're projecting again. Was that one of the propaganda techniques taught to you in Russian agent school, comrade Golfer?
  3. Back to your sick obsession with asses and shit I see. Putin needs to find a good psychiatrist for you quickly before you completely unravel. Mentally unstable people don't make very good propaganda agents,comrade Golfer.
  4. You know all about failure. Just like your beloved Soviet Union failed, comrade Golfer.
  5. To make your comment true you need to replace the photo of Tucker Carlson with a photo of Joe Biden.😉
  6. Now you understand why I no longer translate the comments of the German lunatic.
  7. I'm not quite as cruel. I would just walk away and tell no one.😉
  8. Such talk is totally insane and nothing but fear mongering by the fools on the left. You need to wake up to the Hell that the Biden administration and Democrats are presently imposing upon the American people. If Democrats continue with their insane policies we will no longer have a great nation.
  9. From the mouths of Joe Biden and Beto O'Rourke during the 2020 election campaign. They said they wanted to take certain weapons that are presently legal from American citizens.
  10. It is elected officials of the Democratic Party who are showing themselves through their actions to be the true authoritarians. It is they who are wanting to control every aspect of Americans' lives.
  11. You are a fucking idiot if you truly believe the Republican Party and the KKK are one and the same. Are you really that ignorant and stupid?
  12. Yeah, they won't disarm law-abiding citizens. They'll just make it illegal to own arms so that those citizens are no longer law-abiding just because they refuse to give up their arms.
  13. Sorry, but I don't see any K's in the word Republican. You need to start using spell check, little boy. Or do something about your hallucinations.
  14. More deflection from the incompetence of the Joe Biden administration.
  15. I'm skeptical of that allegation, but even it were true; Biden has had over seven months to reverse that policy. What has Biden done in those 7+ months?
  16. That's because both Golfer and O_U812 live in the past since they don't want to talk about the incompetence of the present president.
  17. Actually, I descended to Golfer and O_U812s' level because that is all they seem to understand. That's their immediate reaction to any facts they don't want to hear.
  18. Only a total fucking idiot like you would compare U.S. citizens to the Taliban. I WISH YOU WERE TRAPPED IN AFGHANISTAN RIGHT NOW AND HAD TO DEPEND UPON THE INCOMPETENT CLOWN JOE BIDEN TO GET YOU OUT.
  19. Appears the Stalinists now run the University of Virginia just like in your country of Russia, comrade Golfer. That should make you and Putin very happy.
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