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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. No, I live in the present. Whereas you and O_U812 are fixated on the previous president and the past.
  2. Disinformation 24/7 is what Russian agents like you are all about, comrade Golfer.
  3. I see Golfer has retreated to Fantasyland as his lies and propaganda are exposed.😉
  4. It is Democrats who can't talk about anything without bringing up race. They are the ones fixated on race because they want to create racial divisions in the country for purely political reasons. They are almost as evil as Russian agents like you, comrade Golfer.
  5. Wonder why the "Squad" has had nothing to say about what is happening in Afghanistan? Maybe because they support the Taliban.
  6. The population in the U.S. with the largest percentage of unvaccinated people are Black and 90% of that population vote for Democrats.
  7. Wonder what the hypocrite BrooklynDad_ Defiant would be saying if Ashli Babbitt had been Black?
  8. Unfortunately for you that means you will remain stupid for the rest of your life.
  9. Okay. How long before Democrat politicians start talking about the 25th Amendment?
  10. Was the posting of gifs part of your Russian agent training, comrade Golfer?
  11. More of your childish gifs. And more evidence of your sick obsession with shit.
  12. Except that Trump did not incite an attack on the Capitol. Just because you keep repeating a lie does not make it true. Trump told people to 'peacefully protest' at the Capitol.
  13. Looks like Democrats are trying to save their own political careers. How long before they start talking about the 25th Amendment?
  14. But the Russian agent Golfer never tells the truth about anything, so your corrections are just more of your lies and propaganda. You resort to childish gifs because you have nothing meaningful to say.
  15. The traitor Biden is the one who just gave $85 billion worth military equipment to the Taliban. If that is not treason, what is?
  16. No, the Russian agent is clearly you. And useful idiot is a perfect description of you, comrade Golfer.
  17. No, YOU, comrade Golfer. And again another example of your sick obsession with shit. You have a severe mental illness.
  18. So says comrade Golfer who is told everyday what to do and what to say by the Putin government.
  19. When put under stress the Russian agents reverts back to his sick obsession with shit. What you really are in bad need of is a good psychiatrist. You need to learn why you are so obsessed with asses and shit.
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