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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Failure is a perfect description of you. Putin will be wanting to send you somewhere for retraining, possibly Siberia in December 2021, comrade Golfer.
  2. You forgot to mention that the candidate backed by Trump in Ohio's special election yesterday won the election.
  3. If anyone is an expert on lying it is you, comrade Golfer. I think in your Russian agent training you must have majored in lying and deception. lol
  4. Trump's tax returns won't do the Democrats any good because there is not one Democrat in Congress intelligent enough to analyze a complex corporate tax return. Democrats' continued obsession with Donald Trump just proves how much they fear him in the 2024 election.
  5. And the childish GIFs continue to flow from an incompetent Russian agent.
  6. The Democrat investigation is a sham and a fraud and the American people couldn't care less about the investigation. Americans are more concerned about the violence being committed everyday on the streets of Democrat run cities than a riot that took place at the Capitol Building on Jan. 6.
  7. You were traumatized many years before you encountered me, Comrade Golfer.
  8. Why? Because O_U812 doesn't want to explain why he is driving a 2018 Chevy Impala and not an electric car when he criticizes other people for polluting the air and causing climate change? I think O_U812 should be the one to explain his hypocrisy and not his Russian agent buddy.
  9. With your fixation on shit and assholes I'm lead to believe that you must have experienced some severe psychological trauma while being potty trained as a child, comrade Golfer.
  10. I wasn't talking to you asshole. The comment was posted to a quote by O_U812.
  11. Like I said before when confronted with a truth you do not want to hear you resort to posting childish GIFs. Thanks for proving my comment to be true.
  12. Are you so fascinated with "shit" because "shitty" is how you feel all the time, comrade Golfer?
  13. So you don't believe in electric cars as a way to help save the planet?
  14. When you are confronted with a truth you don't want to hear you resort to your childish behavior of posting GIFs. Is that the SOP for Russian agents, comrade Golfer?
  15. But it is O_U812 who is polluting the air with a 2018 Chevy Impala, not me, Comrade Golfer.
  16. Trump left "Sleepy Joe" with three vaccines to fight Covid with and Biden can't even convince his Black supporters to take the vaccine.
  17. Arizona officials loyal to the Jeff Flake and Cindy McCain wing of the Arizona GOP never wanted Trump to be president. Could it be that the McCain/Flake GOP loyalist government officials are afraid that the audit will reveal that they were complicit in the election fraud? Both Cindy McCain and Jeff Flake came out in support of Joe Biden before the 2020 election.
  18. Told you to stay away from that mirror when you make comments. You talk to yourself when you look at your reflection.😏
  19. I read where you said you drive a 2018 Chevy Impala, little snowflake. So why are you not driving an electric car like you are telling everyone else to do, phony little hypocrite?
  20. And your hypocrisy, phoniness and dishonesty are truly astounding, little snowflake.
  21. Your propaganda is becoming laughable. The truth is that all the lies told by Fauci, the CDC and the Biden Administration about Covid are being exposed.
  22. If the Democrats had not inflated the Biden vote in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Phoenix, and Las Vegas Trump would have had a second term. Trump received more votes in the 2020 election than he received in the 2016 election. Isn't it strange that Trump was more popular among voters in the 2020 election than in the 2016 election but Joe Biden is president?
  23. You can live a lie until you die. The vast majority if deaths were of the elderly. Those people should have been better protected while younger people should have been allowed to live their lives normally without the economy shutting down. Why did the Biden corrupted DOJ stop the investigation of covid deaths in nursing homes?
  24. I don't hear you crying for all the other police officers around the country who have committed suicide. Why are these four more special? In 2019 228 police officers died from suicide in the U.S.
  25. But the rich still have to pay their apartment rent or mortgage payment.
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