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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The subprime lending bubble was created by Democrat politicians who forced lending institutions to approve mortgages through the Affordable Housing Act for people who had no ability to make loan payments.
  2. You mean all the tips from Michael Avenatti? The truth is that Christine Blase Ford had never been in the same room with Brett Kavanaugh until the day she appeared at his confirmation hearing in the U.S. Senate.
  3. How long will these people be locked up before they receive a trial?
  4. When Andrea Junker is done investigating Brett Kavanaugh's finances maybe she could investigate the overseas financial dealings of the Biden family.😏
  5. Yeah, on one of his good days "Sleepy Joe" probably works two hours.
  6. In my opinion, Bitcoin is nothing more than a main stream condoned ponzi scheme. People are paying real government backed currency for something that doesn't even actually exist. Just like a ponzi scheme those that got in early at low prices will make out like bandits, but those who got in later at very inflated prices will most likely lose their asses. Many people who bought into Bitcoin did so because they no longer trusted government backed currencies. What will really be ironic is that those same people who had no trust in government currencies will beg those same governments to save their financial asses when Bitcoin blows up.
  7. That's because Jordan is too logical for people like you and Middle Age Riot.
  8. And what's his approval rating on his handling of immigration and city violence? Also, the poll shows that Biden's overall disapproval rating is 42%.
  9. Wow! A video of O_U812. You must have some weird looking lovers (friends with benefits).
  10. Yes, the ones who voted for Trump plus more who will be upset with Democrats lack of support for the protests in Cuba.
  11. So says the little snowflake who is obsessed with hatred of Donald Trump.
  12. If the American people supported the far left agenda that Democrats are attempting to implement Bernie Sanders would be president instead of Joe Biden. Bernie Sanders and his far left policies that Democrats are now enacting were strongly opposed by voters in the Democratic presidential primary elections. Joe Biden won the Democrat presidential nomination because he pretended to be a moderate.
  13. The truth is that American voters are much more concerned about crime and riots in their neighborhoods than they are about a riot that took place at the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6, 2021. The Democrats are just trying to milk Jan.6 for political benefit. Nancy Pelosi booted Jim Jordan when she learned that Jordan was going to ask why Pelosi refused requests for more security at the Capitol several days before the Trump rally.
  14. And for Schiff it's about inventing a truth that has no basis in reality like the phony version of the Trump/Uktraine phone call that Schiff invented and read on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. The name Adam Schiff and lying fraud are synonymous.
  15. Cheney almost sounded as if she were using Democrat talking points in her statement. Her days as a war mongering member of Congress are numbered. Liz, don't let the door to the Hose of Representatives hit you in your fat ass as you depart at the end of 2022. If you work real hard between now and then maybe you and your buddies in the Pentagon can get the U.S. involved in another military quagmire before Wyoming voters boot you from the House.
  16. That's about all you ever say, comrade Golfer. That's why you are so boring. I told you that you need to to learn more English words or else start posting in Russian.
  17. She has never been correct about anything. She also has never come clean about her Pakistani IT staffers who stole sensitive computer equipment and illegally penetrated congressional networks in 2017.
  18. And you are the Czar of lies, disinformation and propaganda.😏
  19. I see you are back with your trite, boring, repetitive comments. You need to learn some new English words, comrade Golfer. You're wearing out the few you know.
  20. If you believe Biden was excellent on CNN last night you must be blind.
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