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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Stupid senile old son of a bitch has spent this week at the G-7 selling out America and American workers to the rest of the world.
  3. Let's also talk about all the millions of innocent people killed by Josef Stalin and Chairman Mao during their communist revolutions, comrade Golfer.
  4. Then stay out of the inner cities of America run by Democrat politicians.😉
  5. What about the threat from Russian propagandists like you who are attempting to stir up shit and divide the American people?
  6. The ones who are worried are the worthless rinos who are part of the Washington, D.C. establishment swamp. What they are really concerned about is that real Americans will take control of the Republican Party from them.
  7. Nice attempt at deflection and projection, little Russian propagandist.
  8. Tickets were most likely printed by the DNC as part of their disinformation campaign. They need to distract attention away from how the Democrats are destroying America.
  9. Typical Stalinist Russian answer. Do things their way or stfu. Authoritarians like you and Putin don't care much for free speech do you, comrade Golfer?
  10. Sorry, I'm not your gofer, comrade Golfer. I gave you the source for the story. Use your browser and look it up on the internet.
  11. And your posts from liberal progressive socialist/Marxist blogs are changing minds? Don't think so, almost everyone on this thread knows that you and O_U812 are mentally deranged fools.😉
  12. You mean like science from the Chinese puppets at the World Health Organization?
  13. Wrong. It is the Democrats who are in the process of destroying democracy in America with the aid of Russian agents like you, comrade Golfer..
  14. I hope AOC so pisses off Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer that he becomes a conservative.
  15. And when will members of the Democrat "Squad" apologize for their outrageous comments?
  16. Bitch? Again O_U812 shows his extreme sexism. That's not very "woke" little snowflake.
  17. I'm 75 years old and concerned that the vaccines might cause health problems for younger people and that makes me selfish? You are a fucking idiot. It almost makes me hope the vaccine damages your heart. At least there is no chance it will damage your brain because you don't have one to damage.
  18. Most people on here are intelligent enough to find the study on their own. Too bad you are too fucking dumb to find it. They never taught you how to use a browser in Moscow?
  19. Biden probably will pardon her since Democrats see nothing wrong with leaking classified information to the press nor to our foreign enemies. After pardoning her, Biden will then most likely appoint her to a high level position at NASA.
  20. I don't believe your first sentence, but your second sentence is a perfect explanation of why I don't read the propaganda blogs you post on this thread.
  21. Sorry, I'm not your gofer. Look it up yourself, if you know how to use a browser.
  22. "Wokeness" is causing insanity in this country. The school board of Randolph Township in Morris County, New Jersey, unanimously voted June 13, 2021 to remove holiday names from their academic calendar.
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