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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. You must be blind or wear rose colored glasses when you look at Biden.😏
  2. Putin misses the good old days of Obama/Biden. Like when he was allowed to invade Ukraine with no meaningful response from Obama.
  3. And Bezos is a liberal progressive Democrat who owns the Trump hating Washington Post newspaper.
  4. Wrong. Actions by Republican governors proves that not to be true.
  5. Biden and the DNC already did. They thanked Zuck and Jack for their help in silencing the Democrats' political opposition.
  6. I just accused Putin of being afraid of Louie Gohmert and that means I support Putin? You definitely are mentally impaired.
  7. I have no idea what Trump is saying anymore since you Stalinists have banned him from posting comments on social media platforms.
  8. Sounds like gaslighting by Putin and the Russians since Biden's cognitive problems were on full display for the whole world to see during his trip to Europe.
  9. Another Christopher Steele dossier on the way? Wonder if Hillary will pay for this one like she did the first one?
  10. Now that Putin has seen with his own eyes how feeble and cognitively impaired Biden is I wonder how ling it will take Putin take advantage of that weakness with aggressive Russian action somewhere in the world?
  11. It is definitely obvious how Biden differs from Trump on foreign policy. Trump believed in a foreign policy that put America and the American people first and Biden believes in a foreign policy that puts America and the American people last.
  12. Wonder if that rioter was one of the FBI undercover agents at the riot who were encouraging people to break the law?
  13. I think you and Putin are afraid of him, comrade Golfer. That's why you spend so much time attacking him.
  14. If she did such an outstanding job why did so many nursing home residents die from covid-19 in Michigan?
  15. Recession could have been avoided if Democrat governors had not needlessly shut down their economies.
  16. And Putin is so truthful, right? Putin doesn't want the American people to know how cognitively limited Biden is for fear they would want Joe removed from office. Putin knows he will be able to do whatever he wants in the world because Biden is too feeble to confront him. Any truly objective person can just look at Biden and see that he is not all there. Biden will be Putin's useful idiot at the expense of the American people.
  17. How would "sources" know anything if the investigation is confidential as FBI investigations are suppose to be? Is anyone going to investigate the leak of confidential info by the FBI? Or maybe there was no leak and RawStory.com just invented a story. My "sources" say the Easter Bunny will be performing in a rock band at the White House next week.😏
  18. Democrats have a problem for 2024. Joe Biden's senility is becoming more apparent with each passing day and the American people don't like Kamala Harris.
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