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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Per a story posted today on MSN by Shape magazine, " The CDC Will Hold an Emergency Meeting About Heart Inflammation Following Covid-19 Vaccines."
  2. Do you read stories from the Federalist, The New York Post, the Washington Examiner, the Washington Times, and other conservative publications?
  3. Boris Yeltsin became Bill Clinton's clown. Now Joe Biden will return the favor and become Vladimir Putin's clown.
  4. Couldn't be any worse than the poison pool of left wing propaganda that you and Golfer have created on this thread.
  5. Your source is PressRun. media? What a fucking joke. Another far left propaganda blog.
  6. Now you are the science denier, you lying fucking Putin puppet.
  7. Hamilton was describing Trump 100s of years before Trump was born?
  8. Defending your life, family and property may be treason in your fucked up country of Russia, but in the U.S. it is a right guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.
  9. I hope a member of the Democrat Congressional "Squad" is on national tv everyday from now until the 2022 election. 😉
  10. Younger people already have a very low risk of dying from the virus without vaccination, so do the health benefits of being vaccinated outweigh the health risks of being vaccinated for young people? For young people the cure might be worse than the disease.
  11. If I were in my 20s using my body to earn millions of dollars as a professional athlete I would be very careful about what I was injecting into my body. I would read all the research and consult with numerous experts about covid-19 before being vaccinated. I would need to weigh the risks of damage from the vaccine against the risks of damage from contracting the virus. Dr. Fauci wouldn't even be on my list as one of the experts.
  12. That's old news. You need to check out the results of more recent studies. A new study published by MedRxiv found that hydroxychloroquine and zinc treatments of covid patients increased survival rates by almost 3 times.
  13. That's still to be determined. Not enough research has yet been done. We still don't know all the long term effects of the virus nor the vaccines.
  14. You are the one who is upset about using the word "if", not me.
  15. Then tell that to Golfer since he was the one who started this conversation about Joe Manchin with a propaganda article raising the question of what would happen "if" Joe Manchin were more liberal.
  16. If you can still catch and spread covid after vaxxing why get vaccinated?
  17. And how many 100 thousands died because government bureaucrats like Fauci prevented people from being treated with hydroxychloroquine?
  18. But you need to understand that O_U812 believes in the Stalinist form of justice where you are automatically guilty if the government accuses you of a crime. Any subsequent trial is just for show.
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