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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The purpose of the FBI investigation is to determine who leaked the classified info to the news media. Apparently the FBI discovered evidence leading them to believe Schiff and Swalwell were sources for the leaks, thus they subpoenaed their phone records.
  2. Much would be accomplished, like stopping liberal progressive socialist/Marxist Democrats from passing legislation that will destroy America.
  3. What else can an employer require employees to do to their own bodies? And what do these healthcare professionals know about the vaccine that has convinced them not to be vaccinated? Hope the case ends up in the Supreme Court.
  4. Only if illegal Dem votes are included in the count as they were in 2020.
  5. The largest body of water stocked with criminals is the Washington, D.C. swamp which still needs to be drained.
  6. If teammates are concerned then they can get vaccinated to protect themselves.
  7. Fuck his career. He got a lot of young American men killed for no good reason. Stalin, Hitler and Mao were persuasive and got things done too, but I don't see them as heroes.
  8. At age 75 I'm in the high risk group for covid. There is evidence emerging from studies in Israel and other places that the covid vaccination may be more of a health threat to younger people than is contracting covid. A number of young people have been afflicted with heart inflammation after being vaccinated with the covid vaccine.
  9. It's incitement to violence to tell people they have the right to protect their property from trespassers when the government is unable or unwilling to do it?
  10. Now you're God who passes eternal justice upon people? I knew you had a superiority complex, but that's a bit extreme even for you.
  11. I foresee O_U812 at age 60 still posting propaganda stories about Donald Trump. The poor little snowflake is totally consumed with Trump Derangement Syndrome.😏
  12. Maybe Happy was just giving his honest opinion. Your statement just proves that you are too indoctrinated to be capable of an honest opinion.
  13. If Joe Manchin were a lot more liberal he would never win another election in West Virginia, and the Republicans would have one more U.S. Senator. In the 2020 election President Trump received 68.63% of the vote in West Virginia.
  14. You mean the failed president Lyndon B. Johnson who was responsible for getting us deeply involved in the Vietnam War?
  15. Democrats have been fishing for and inventing Trump crimes since 2015.
  16. I thought O_U812 was pro-choice and believed that the government shouldn't be allowed to tell people what to do with their own bodies?
  17. Spoken like the true Stalinist authoritarian that O_U812 is. Obey the government dictates or we will destroy your life.
  18. That sounds exactly like what the Democrats did in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Phoenix in the 2020 election.
  19. Barr gave the task of investigating leaks from the Intel Committee to the federal prosecutor. Apparently the prosecutor determined that Schiff and Swalwell had something to do with the leaks. That's called doing your job.
  20. Per a June 10, 2021 Politico story posted on MSN the federal prosecutor, Osmar Benvenuto, in charge of the leak investigation is a registered Democrat who was hired by the Obama appointed U.S. Atty, Paul Fishman, in 2012.
  21. CNN just increased their credibility. They reinstated Jeffrey Toobin.
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