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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Guns are not the problem, the problem are the idiots who use them to kill people. If some fool drives a Corvette recklessly and kills people in an accident does that mean we should ban Corvette ownership for everyone else. If liberal progressive judges and prosecutors didn't release so many criminals onto the street maybe we wouldn't have so much crime and so many shootings.
  2. You might need to start posting in Russian since it appears you've used up all the English words you know, comrade Golfer. Your repetitive statements have become boring and uninformative.
  3. Both "Sleepy Joe" and Beto admitted during the 2020 presidential campaign that they were going to take guns from American citizens.
  4. So says the person who is too ignorant to write a coherent sentence. You must be a recent graduate of our inner city public schools.
  5. Vast majority of killings in America occur on a daily basis in our large cities run by Democrats.
  6. Wrong again. 600,00 killed by the Chinese Communist government when they purposely unleashed covid-19 on the U.S. and the world. The Chinese were aided in development of the virus with a donation of U.S. taxpayer dollars to the Wuhan lab from Dr. Fauci.
  7. Sorry I've been distracted by a new girl on Chaturbate named Oh_Holly. Wow!!!!!!
  8. The truth is that most Americans don't even know what the fucking For The People Act is. Most Democrats don't even know the name of the Vice President.
  9. The laws are already there to disarm criminals, Democrat prosecutors won't enforce them. Democrats just want more gun laws so that they can disarm law abiding American citizens.
  10. Too bad they didn't have one or two steel bars to toss into the spokes of his stolen bicycle.
  11. I just told you how to start solving inner city problems. Sorry you don't like my solution. And how many years have Democrats been doing such a great job of running those cities?
  12. Again, no thoughts of your own. Without "experts" to tell you how to live your life you don't have a clue. How sad it is to see what has happened to your generation.
  13. The first step to solving the problems of the inner cities would be to vote all the Democrat politicians out of office.
  14. Oops! the snowflake is losing his cool. Get that straight jacket and padded cell ready.
  15. Why would I want to pay money to the DNC for fake inaugural tickets?😉
  16. That's because you and Golfer keep posting stories from the same propaganda blogs everyday.
  17. Only a Russian agent like Golfer would praise a liar for being intelligent. I guess that's why Golfer so admires Putin. Putin is a very intelligent liar.
  18. I imagine those Obama DOJ employees did react with horror when they realized the crimes committed by Joe Biden and Barack Obama might be revealed to the American people.
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