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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. All of O_U812 and Golfers' posts about Trump shows how much Democrats fear him as a political opponent because they know he is still very popular with the American working class. The 2022 and 2024 elections will be a contest of Trump and the American people vs the Washington, D.C. establishment swamp dwelling ruling class.
  2. Tom Joseph, another brain dead Democrat from the most corrupt Democrat run city in the U.S., Chicago.
  3. Spoken like a true socialist Brit., who most likely lives off benefits from the UK socialist government. I live close to St.Louis, Mo. and Black thugs kill little Black kids almost everyday in drive by shootings in North St.Louis.
  4. You have posted no real info. Just more propaganda, lies and distortions from liberal progressive left wing blogs.
  5. Good to see you are finally beginning to see Joe's problem. Which one do you think it is?😏
  6. When someone tells you a truth you don't want to hear your first reaction is to attack the messenger. Sort of how Putin operates.
  7. Stupidity and dishonesty are also bad, and you are walking talking proof of that.
  8. Unfortunately for O_U812 he failed to follow Mark Twain's advice. Mark Twain said "do not let school interfere with your education." It appears our public schools have dominated O_U812's education by brainwashing and indoctrinating him with a bunch left wing liberal progressive socialist/Marxist bullshit. He should have paid much more attention to his father and less attention to the ignorant instructors in his schools. The only thing most public school teachers know anything about is school.
  9. I really don't pay much attention to the ranting and ravings of a child like you. A little know it all who has almost no real life experiences upon which to draw knowledge from.
  10. If Americans consider people like you sensible this country is finished.
  11. Unfortunately for Joe he won't understand anything. Also, bet the talks will be held in secret.
  12. When Biden meets with Putin I wonder if Joe will give him a new reset button? I think Vlad broke the one Hillary gave him.😏
  13. The problems that led to her death predate QAnon and the Capitol riot by many, many years.
  14. I have a better idea. You are the one who is saying the laws suppress voting, so why don't you post the sections of the laws that suppress voting by legal voters?
  15. You are a fucking idiot. Thanks for displaying your stupidity for everyone to see. I guess that's an example of how ignorant one becomes when they rely upon the BBC for news.
  16. Doesn't the Democrat run state of Michigan allow absentee voting for disabled people? Texas, Florida, Alabama and Georgia do.
  17. You are the one who has supplied no proof of voter suppression in the new state laws. All you've provided are unfounded accusations and Democrat talking points. Show me the actual law that suppresses voters' rights.
  18. And your inability to see reality is sad. That's why Democrats will never solve the problem of inner city crime and violence.
  19. Xi Chiang Ping (China) , Kim Jong-un ( North Korea), Raul Castro (Cuba), Nicolas Maduro (Venezuela), Nguyen Xuan Phuc (Vietnam). How is that for starters?
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