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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. So using the filibuster to stop Republican policies by Democrats is fair, but Republicans using the filibuster to stop Democrat policies is not fair? No, Joe Manchin is not doing Mitch's job. He is doing his job to protect the integrity of the U.S. Senate by keeping the rules of the Senate consistent for both parties. Too bad you have no integrity.
  2. The real "big lie" is that the Democrats' Voter Rights bill will protect democracy. Democrats talk in opposites. The truth is that the Voter Rights bill will destroy democracy in America.
  3. The real reason Democrats want to pass a federal voting law is because they know their liberal progressive policies will be so disliked by the American voters that cheating is the only way they will be able to win the 2022 and 2024 elections. Their legislation will make it easier for Democrats to cheat.
  4. So why are you showing us a photo of the bathroom in your parents' basement?
  5. Again you are ass backwards. Passage of the so called "Voters Rights" bill will be the end of fair elections in America. Passage of that legislation will result in one party rule by the Democrats. One big step towards government in the U.S. becoming like government in Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, and North Korea.
  6. Wrong. I would never wash my balls where you wash your face.
  7. But these same people thought it was great when John McCain, Lisa Murkowski, and Susan Collins stopped legislation by a Republican president. Such hypocrites!
  8. Unlike you, I don't allow "experts" to do my thinking for me. I gather information from numerous sources and form my on opinions based upon my analysis of that information. I don't need other people to tell me what to think.
  9. Per the June7, 2021 edition of the Washington Examiner the Democrats in 2020 used the filibuster 327 times to stop a vote on legislation while Republicans used it one time.
  10. And how many of those were recovered from trespassers inside the Capitol Building?
  11. I think you need to take your own advice, since you and O_U812 are the two biggest fools on this thread.😏
  12. Two war rooms to plan a weaponless insurrection?That sounds like something O_U812 and Golfer would plan.
  13. No, what is really a game changer are the Toni Fauci emails and the 2012 video of him promoting "gain of function" as a legitimate research procedure.
  14. Looks like we're going to need a lot of straight jackets and padded cells for you and all your deranged conspiracy theorists.
  15. Wonder if the process server was Swalwell's lover the Chinese spy Fang Fang?
  16. The Bush strategist is just another member of the Washington, D.C. establishment swamp tying to regain control of the Republican Party from Republican voters.
  17. Asking Douglas Brinkley's opinion of Joe Manchin is like asking Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, or AOC. 😏
  18. And that's happening because the Democrats run everything in Washington, D.C.
  19. Sounds like you were hallucinating again. I don't ever remember Trump having a mustache.
  20. It appears Dr. Fauci gave U.S. taxpayer money to the Wuhan Lab to help fund the lab's research which created of the Covid-19 virus. Wonder if the mainstream media will investigate that story?
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