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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. You are the one who is conned because you have no real life experience. All you have is all the liberal progressive garbage you have been indoctrinated with by our corrupted educational system.
  2. Democrats want to deflect attention away from the socialist policies that they are forcing onto the American people, so they talk about the insignificant wacko group QAnon. The Democrats know that the only way they can win in 2022 is by cheating, so they are opposing any legislation that makes it more difficult for them to steal an election.
  3. We don't have a gun problem. We have a crime problem. I know many people who have owned guns for most of their lives and have never shot anyone.
  4. You really believe any information that comes from the Communist government of Cuba?
  5. And what exactly does Johnson want to do if he is elected president? Or are people so fucking dumb that they will vote for him just because of how he looks?
  6. The FBI is still investigating him, dumb ass. Remember? First they investigate and then they indict or drop the investigation.
  7. Spying probably spent his day working his ass off so that he can pay the taxes that support parasitic losers like you and O_U812.
  8. Maybe that just proves how deeply the Obama/Holder corruption is embedded in the DOJ and FBI.
  9. I received my second dose of the Moderna vaccine on 4/9. Two more weeks and I don't wear the mask anymore.
  10. So why do you support Democrats who are part of that 1%? A co-founder of BLM, Patrisse Cullors a Black self proclaimed Marxist, recently purchased a $1.4 million home in a White area of Los Angeles.
  11. If we have a lot of laws, why do we still have violence? Isn't that proof that more laws is not the answer to stopping gun violence.
  12. That poll just shows how much of a joke polls are. Do you really believe people who support Biden or Donald Trump would support Johnson? So how could he possibly have 46% support of Americans?
  13. I doubt it. I can't remember the last time he was correct about any economic prediction.
  14. We don't need the names of the investigators. Just need a spokesperson for the DOJ or FBI to confirm that there is or is not a criminal investigation of Matt Gaetz. All we have so far is a NYT story based upon anonymous sources. And I don't trust anything printed in the NYT.
  15. But your sick blog posting was a condemnation of Matt Gaetz as if he had already been found guilty.
  16. "lack of knowledge & apparent state". That sounds like a paternalistic White liberal racist statement.
  17. What a totally ignorant statement. My cat is more intelligent than you.
  18. You are such a mental midget. And you don't even recognize how intellectually limited you are.
  19. The destruction of America by liberal progressive Democrats is progress?
  20. Since Cuba is such a fabulous place and America is so terrible why don't you and O_U812 move there?
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