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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. John Boehner, the wimpy pot smoking alcoholic establishment Republican swamp dwelling loser.
  2. The CNN headline for today's Capitol attack will probably be "White Policeman Fatally Shoots Black Protester at U.S. Capitol Building."
  3. If "Sleepy Joe" would just finish the wall, which we are still paying contractors for because they had a guaranteed contract, we wouldn't need troops to protect us from all those people crossing our southern border.
  4. Capitol Hill now has a fence, barricades, and NG troops to protect members of Congress from the American people. Too bad the American people have nothing to protect them from Congress.
  5. I wonder how many under age girls "The Prick" O_U812 has had sex with?
  6. That could be because I'm an honest trusting person and your whole life has been nothing but a con job because you are too weak to face your own reality. You truly believe in nothing and as such you are nothing. ANTIFA is a perfect place for a useless piece of shit like you. ANTIFA is made up of a bunch of lost, soulless individuals who have absolutely nothing positive to contribute to mankind.
  7. . A Black follower of Louis Farrakhan is a RW whack job? You really are a fucking idiot.
  8. You call me a racist, sexist, homophobe, fascist, Nazi, White supremacist, insurrectionist, magat hater, and then tell me to "loosen up"?
  9. So everything you post is just bullshit? How are we suppose to know when you are for real and when you are just spouting BS? It all sounds the same.
  10. But Twitter and Facebook have no problem with Louis Farrakhan's hate speech on their platforms while President Trump is banned from both.
  11. Just what I thought, another right wing, MAGA, QAnon, Proud Boy, White supremacist, KKK, Trump supporting hater. 😉
  12. So you have no problem with hate and violence against Republicans?
  13. Wonder why the news media hasn't mentioned his race yet? Usually they are fast to mention that the attacker was a White male. Especially CNN and MSNBC.
  14. Hope they don't charge the Capitol police with a crime for shooting this guy today. Recently in another city a man was shot by police when he charged them with a knife and the police were criticized and protested for using excessive force.
  15. That's what you do. Your comments, blog and cartoon posts are full of hatred.
  16. Better slowdown with your proclamations. Might be that the guy was a left wing wack-job. In either case, not too brilliant when you run at armed police with a knife.
  17. I worship no human being. And your description of Trump is your opinion, not reality.
  18. After today's attack on the U.S. Capitol it sounds like Congress will need to pass new automobile and knife control legislation.
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