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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Legal weed will also = More dead and injured people from automobile and work place accidents caused by stoned drivers and workers. More mental health problems and educational failures.
  2. I have a BA in Government and an MBA and I'm suppose to take economic advise from a loser who builds solar panels for $27/hr and collects unemployment benefits when he doesn't feel like working.
  3. Only peoples like you need that. It helps you to forget how much of a loser you are. When in school did you tell your teacher that your ambition in life was to build solar panels and live off unemployment benefits?😏
  4. Obama blamed all the country's problems on George W. Bush for the whole eight years of the Obama presidency. Looks like you and the Democrats will now blame Trump for all of the country's problems for the whole Biden presidency. Too bad it's not true in either case.
  5. And how many union bosses dicks did you suck to get your $27/hr solar panel building job, mental retard?
  6. Delta might be a bit concerned if their planes are empty. But your simple solar panel building union mind would never understand that.
  7. Just's what Democrats need. More stoned mentally impaired voters. Dopes are easier to dupe.
  8. Maybe because the Chamber of Commerce is part of the establishment as are many corporate CEOs. Neither care about American middle class working people.
  9. Why in "woke" world are we able to identify people by their race but not by their sex?
  10. If you are going to make ignorant smart ass remarks about Trump's wife then you should expect to get some blow back. I'm sorry if you can't handle it.
  11. Maybe you need to read and watch more real news and pay less attention to your propaganda blogs.😏
  12. If they have to pay more in taxes they will leave, they will take their jobs with them, and Joe Biden and the Democrats will be to blame for raising tax rates.
  13. Actually I called you a dumb ass, but apparently you are so dumb that you that you couldn't even understand that.
  14. So they are all still going to pay more in taxes, right? If so, why would they not want to relocate to a country where taxes are lower?
  15. She won an election. Maybe you've never heard of her because you shelter yourself from real news. I suggest you plug her name into your browser and see all the stories that pop up on the internet.
  16. Because Nancy Pelosi wants to increase the Democrat majority in the House by any means possible.
  17. But your blog postings are the writers' opinions about reality, not necessarily reality.
  18. So if all the companies that remain in the U.S. receive tax breaks who is going to pay Biden's higher corporate tax rates?
  19. So if a company had planned to leave but decides not to leave Biden would give them tax breaks, but a company that never planned to leave would not receive tax breaks? That sounds like a typical fair and logical Democrat plan.😏
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