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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. He tried to pull off an insurrection heavily armed with a knife or a machete and the police shot him.
  2. But Trump is not in the White House setting government policy anymore.
  3. Joe Biden received four"Pinocchios" from the liberal progressive Washington Post for the lies he told about the new Georgia voting law.
  4. If you believe life begins at conception, then what about the unborn baby's choice and right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
  5. That's what comes back at you when you call me a traitor, fascist, Nazi , KKK member, insurrectionist, racist, White supremacist, sexist, homophobe, etc. and suggest that I received a dishonorable discharge from the U.S. Army just because we disagree on politics.
  6. So why are you and other Democrats so opposed to other states requiring an ID to vote?
  7. Does he get a trial or do we just consider him guilty based upon the accusations of two anonymous sources and the NYT? Also, I thought DOJ criminal investigations were to be kept confidential until either an indictment is issued or the investigation clears the subject of the charges.
  8. I thought she already was president and taking orders from Barack Obama.
  9. You do things your way and I'll do things my way. That's called pro-choice, which I thought you liberal progressives were in favor of.
  10. According to a study posted on usnews.com on May 19, 2019, "researchers found that car accidents in Colorado increased by 10% after marijuana was legalized."
  11. How could I be a woman fearing bigot when I don't even know what he/she/it is?
  12. According to "woke" people it doesn't matter what is in his/her pants. His/her sex is determined by whether she/he feels like a man or a woman not his/her anatomy.
  13. Very simple, it's called common sense. An increase in the number of people smoking pot will result in an increase in the number of stoned, impaired drivers and workers.
  14. Too use the liberal rationale, requiring an ID to purchase a gun is a violation of minorities Second Amendment rights since they don't have IDs.😏
  15. So you are saying that you are unable to recognize the difference between a man and a woman? And according to "wokeness" the junk in your pants does not determine your sex. "Woke" people believe that your sex is whatever you feel it is. Also, a person's race cannot necessarily be identified by the color of their skin. I know Black people whose skin color is very light, and I know White people whose skin color is very dark. Besides, race is irrelevant since we are all human beings and should be judged by the content of our character and not by the color of our skin. Too bad liberal progressives have never learned that truth.
  16. From your comments, I'd say the job would be a good fit with your mental capabilities.😏
  17. Not possible since my degrees predate Trump University by about 33 years.😏
  18. You've reverted to your same old boring cliches. Since you've run out of any new thoughts better start posting from your propaganda blogs again.
  19. Since you never tell the truth about anything, it's hard telling what you do. What are you then, a porn actor or a clown?
  20. Where the real news resides free of liberal progressive socialist/Marxist propaganda and lies.😏
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